User Story
As a Governance team member, I want to ensure that the process I follow and the templates I use for providing teams feedback at DI and MPR are updated to be inclusive of VA Mobile App so that VFS teams are able to understand and track feedback appropriately.
As a Governance team member, I want to ensure that the process I follow and the templates I use for providing teams feedback at DI and MPR are updated to be inclusive of VA Mobile App so that my team can track mobile specific feedback for future analytics purposes.
Assignee: @allison0034
Peer Reviewer: @erinrwhite
Governance team needs to update both the operational processes we follow for documenting feedback at DI and MPR as well as the template we use for providing said feedback to VFS teams so that it is all inclusive of VA Mobile App products.
We need to ensure that Governance team members add the collaboration-cycle-mobile
label to all feedback tickets created for Mobile products.
Impacted Artifacts
Live pages
- How to document feedback for a Design Intent
- How to document feedback for a Midpoint Review
- Collab Cycle feedback gh template
Drafted pages
- Update the "How to" pages for Design Intent and Midpoint Review
- Update GH label
Peer Review
To be completed by peer reviewer
- User story and acceptance criteria are met
Acceptance Criteria
- We have updated our operational guidance for DI and MPR to be inclusive of VA Mobile App
- We have updated our operational guidance for DI and MPR to include specific labeling actions if the product/feature is for VA Mobile App
- We have updated our Collab Cycle feedback template to be inclusive of VA Mobile App, if applicable
Team Notification
- Slack post on #platform-governance-team
- Presentation at Weekly Initiative Meeting
- No notification needed
How to prepare this issue
- Ticket has user story, description, tasks, and acceptance criteria
- Ticket has been sized
- Once all above items are checked, add the 'Ready' label.
If this ticket is picked up from the Backlog mid-sprint, connect with Shira to ensure the below items are completed correctly
- Ticket has been discussed as a team at Planning
- Ticket has been assigned to appropriate initiative or quarterly epic
- Ticket has been assigned to a Sprint
- Ticket has been moved to the Planned pipeline in the Governance team board
- Ticket as an assignee and peer reviewer