Benefit to the Veteran
As a Veteran, I want to be able to apply for VA health benefits online even if I don't have a fixed address, so that I don't have to go to a physical location to apply or feel restricted by the form's address requirement.
Hypothesis or Bet
If we add an option on the 10-10EZ form for unhoused Veterans to indicate they do not have a home or mailing address, then we expect to see an increase in the number of 10-10EZ form submissions from unhoused Veterans
Which Objective / Key Result does this epic push forward?
- The online 10-10EZ form requires a mailing and home address, which unhoused Veterans may not have. This restricts them from applying for VA health benefits online.
- We are adding an option on the 10-10EZ form for unhoused Veterans to indicate they do not have an address. When selected, the form will default to the selected facility address and send a "bad address" indicator to the Enrollment System.
- Dependency
- The Enrollment System team needs to be ready to receive and process the "bad address" indicator.
- Coordination with HEC stakeholders regarding the communication strategy for reaching unhoused Veterans.
- Initiative brief
- Design links
- Screenshots
- Reference docs/tickets where we have this kind of work documented
- Etc.
Acceptance Criteria/Definition of Done
- An option is added to the 10-10EZ form allowing Veterans to indicate they do not have an address.
- When the "no address" option is selected, the form defaults to the selected facility address.
- A "bad address" indicator is sent to the Enrollment System upon form submission.
- EZ Form Submissions from unhoused Veterans are tracked and measured.
- User testing confirms that unhoused Veterans are able to easily use the new option and complete the form.