Benefit to the Veteran
As a Veteran, I want to not have to enter an address on my EZR so that I can update my VA information while being unhoused--ensuring I continue to get healthcare.
Hypothesis or Bet
If we remove Address as a required field, we will help unhoused Veterans maintain their healthcare and not have to pay co-pays
People actually using this checkbox.
- What details are necessary for understanding the specific work or request tracked by this issue?
- This is designed for unhoused Veterans, but may be taken up by those who don't want VA to know their address.
- What are we doing within the scope of this ticket?
- Adding a checkbox (or similar) that allows a Veteran to not enter their address. Making address no longer a required field. Making sure that VES can handle this the way they currently handle "No address" on the paper form.
- Is there anything specifically out of scope of this ticket?
- No
- Is there anything that must be done before this ticket? (link ticket as dependency)
- No
- Are there any external dependencies?
- VES being able to handle No Address
- Product or Initiative brief links
- Design links
- Screenshots
- Reference docs/tickets where we have this kind of work documented
- Etc.
Acceptance Criteria/Definition of Done
- What will be created or happen as a result of this story?
How to configure this issue
- Labeled with Team (
) - Labeled with Form (
) - Labeled with Project (
, etc.)