Starting with the date of the launch
Rollout of the new form
In order to support gradually releasing the new 0781 mental health form to a small percentage of users at first, then incrementally increasing the user base over time, we need to monitor performance and identify potential issues.
- Number of claims in progress with new 0781 mental health data/form
- Number of successful submissions with new 0781 mental health data/form
- Number of failed submissions with new 0781 mental health data/form
Primary vs. backup path
In order to identify if the new 0781 mental health form tends to have more submission fails, we want to compare the numbers that go down primary vs. backup path.
- Number of submissions with new 0781 mental health data/form down the primary path
- Number of submissions with new 0781 mental health data/form down the secondary/backup path
Compare to old form
We'd like to compare how many claims and/or Veterans are using the old 0781/a online form vs. the new 0781 form.
- Number of successful submissions with new 0781 mental health data/form
- Number of successful submissions with old 0781/a PTSD data/form
- Number of claims in progress with new 0781 mental health data/form
- Number of claims in progress with old 0781/a PTSD data/form
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