User Story
"As a (persona), I (want to), (so that)."
Peer Reviewer:
What details are necessary for understanding the specific work or request tracked by this issue?
Impacted Artifacts
Live pages
Drafted pages
- Placeholder task
Peer Review
To be completed by peer reviewer
- User story and acceptance criteria are met
Acceptance Criteria
- Placeholder AC
Team Notification
- Slack post on #platform-governance-team
- Presentation at Weekly Initiative Meeting
- No notification needed
How to prepare this issue
- Ticket has user story, description, tasks, and acceptance criteria
- Ticket has been sized
- Once all above items are checked, add the 'Ready' label.
If this ticket is picked up from the Backlog mid-sprint, connect with Shira to ensure the below items are completed correctly
- Ticket has been discussed as a team at Planning
- Ticket has been assigned to appropriate initiative or quarterly epic
- Ticket has been assigned to a Sprint
- Ticket has been moved to the Planned pipeline in the Governance team board
- Ticket as an assignee and peer reviewer