Label: 14458
- [508-defect-4]
Issue Title: Indicate issue you are appealing, bullets in list not read by JAWS. (template issue)
Point of Contact: Angela Fowler
VFS Point of Contact: _First name only: Angela
User Story or Problem Statement:
As with sighted users, bullets within lists help screen reader users determine where one point ends and the other begins, decreasing cognative load and increasing efficiency.Details
On the screen where the user confirms which issue they are appealing, in the accordian which says "Don't see the issue you are appealing?" there is a list of reasons why the user's issue might not be there. Each point in this list is indicated by a black square which is read by NVDA but not read by JAWS. Acceptance CriteriaEnvironment
JAWS and Edge, Chrome and Firefox. Steps to RecreateProposed Solution (if known)
This looks like a template issue, as I have seen it in other areas of the site.WCAG or Vendor Guidance (optional)
Screenshots or Trace Logs