Issue Description
The website now allows users to upload supporting evidence text files when creating claim.
Evss is rejecting the text file, can view in sidekiq dead queue:
[{"key"=>"EVSS_15004", "text"=>"We were unable to complete your request because your file type is not a supported format. Try using a different file type such as PDF (unlocked), JPEG, BMP or TXT. If you still have problems, call the VA at 1-800-827-1000 (711, if you use TDD), Monday - Friday. 8:00 am - 9:00 pm ET. When you call, provide the following error code: EVSS_15004.", "severity"=>"ERROR"}]
EVSS suggested the 'Content-Type' header to text
- Support txt file uploads for 526 claims
Acceptance Criteria
- EVSS accepts text file from vets-api
How to configure this issue
- Attached to a Milestone (when will this be completed?)
- Attached to an Epic (what body of work is this a part of?)
- Labeled with Team (
product support
) - Labeled with Practice Area (
,contact center
) - Labeled with Type (
, etc.)