Value Statement
As a 526 Disability Comp Claimant
I want to have form guidance business rule enforcement around Past Active Duty Date
So that I can properly enter my Title 10 Past Active Duty Date so my claim can be submitted
Background context
We are saw this 526 submission rejection error around 15 times in June 2022:
count: 15( 0.30%), Error: [{"key"=>"form526.serviceInformation.Title10PastActiveDutyDate", "severity"=>"ERROR", "text"=>"The Title 10 Activation Date for a claimant currently activated in the Reserves or National Guard is a future date"}]
Users that enter an invalid Title 10 Past Active Duty Date will have their claim submission rejected, however the error is not happening too frequently, around 15 times in June 2022.
Front End - Back End Devs might need to work together to try to reproduce and fix, typically BE provides the form data to reproduce via Form 526 InProgressFormJson and the FE adds or expands the form rules to enforce and provide an errors message so the user can self correct before submitting the form
Acceptance Criteria
- _Validate Title 10 Past Active Duty Date rules within the 526 form, provide form error message so users can self correct