Josh Kim
- Run axe checks on every page or unique state (required)
- Run WAVE on every page if time allows. WAVE is more visual than axe or axe-coconut, but offers some excellent ways to identify nested headings and HTML5 landmark tags.
- Color contrast checks (recommend using for beyond compliance reports)
- Color blindness checks
- Zoom layouts to 400% and inspect them for readability. If layouts break at 400%, I will start reducing them until they become stable, and log the zoom ratio when things started breaking.
- Keyboard navigation
Screen Reader
- Firefox and NVDA
- Edge and JAWS
- iOS Safari and VoiceOver (Mobile)
- Safari and Voiceover (Desktop)
- Chrome and Talkback
Staging or Production Link
Test Users
1. [email protected]
Password for that user is here
Issues caught
Smooth scroll
When a new service period is added, the page smooth scrolls down to follow the focus which may cause physical discomfort for some Veterans with TBI or vestibular disorders.
Acceptance criteria:
- Page does not smooth scroll when adding a new service period (a quick jump to is preferred)
Focus is lost when more than one fieldset is expanded
When more than one fieldset is expanded and the user clicks "save," focus is lost and is not placed on the edit button as what would be expected.
Acceptance criteria
- When more than one fieldset is expanded and the user clicks "Save," focus should be placed on the edit button of that fieldset
Mismatched focus when updating multiple fieldsets
Another interesting issue I caught is when the following conditions are met
- 3 service periods exist
- The first two service periods are open and the third is closed
- The user clicks "update" or "cancel" on the second service period
- Focus is sent to the third service period's edit button, not the second
Acceptance criteria
- Focus must be sent to the service period's edit button when updating (and not to different service periods)
Persistent errors
When a user...
- Adds a new service period
- Attempts to submit without filling out anything
- Receives an error
- Deletes the new service period (without filling anything in)
- Adds a new service period again
The errors are still active. For a screen reader user, they'll hear a loud bleep alert calling out an error.
Acceptance criteria
- When adding a new service period, errors should not persist from prior efforts
Visible focus indicators?
There is the open conversation on if there should or shouldn't be a visible focus indicator for elements that receive focus but aren't interactive e.g. the legends Robin jumps the focus to.
To make the experience more consistent, we may want to consider only placing the focus on interactive fields. This is more of a defect-4
(minor/consider) ticket though as the experience still works smoothly and may not even be an issue if it tests well.
Acceptance criteria (OPTIONAL)
- Attend Angela's office hours and have her evaluate the experience