Verify information about your product or feature in the VFS Product Directory.
- I have reviewed the VFS Product Directory and confirm that my information is correct (or that I have taken appropriate actions to update or add my product information to the directory).
VFS product information
VFS team name
Veteran Facing Forms
Product name
Form 21-4138
Feature name
Statement In Support of Claim
GitHub label for team
GitHub label for product
GitHub label for feature
No response
Public DSVA Slack channel for VFS team
Kickoff questions
Toggle kickoff questions
### When did/will you start working on this product/feature?2/1/2024
Will your work result in visible changes to the user experience?
Are you doing research with users?
Will your work involve changes to...
Tools, applications and dynamic pages
Does your product/feature have Google Analytics tracking and a KPI dashboard in Domo?
Do you need to capture any additional analytics or metrics?
Product outline
Verify all relevant materials provided to Governance Team
- I have provided all relevant and up-to-date links, screenshots, images, designs, etc. of the as-is version of the product
Add the GitHub labels for your team, product, and feature to this ticket.
- I acknowledge that I must add the GitHub labels for my team, product, and feature to this ticket.
Notify the Collaboration Cycle team of this ticket in your team's public Slack channel.
- I acknowledge that I must notify the Governance team by completing the Collab Cycle Kickoff workflow in my team's Slack channel after submitting this issue. This can be completed by typing "/collab cycle" and selecting the kickoff workflow.
Kickoff Slack Thread with VFS team: Kickoff thread
Recommended Collaboration Cycle touchpoints
Design Intent
Toggle Design Intent instructions
Before the meeting
VFS team actions
- Review Design Intent Guidance to understand what this touchpoint involves.
- Schedule your Design Intent (with at least 2 business days lead time from now):
- Open the Calendly design intent calendar
- Select a date and time and click "Confirm"
- Add your name and email
- Click "Add Guests" and enter the email addresses for VFS team attendees
- Click "Schedule Event"
- Link all artifacts in the
Design Intent artifacts for review
section below at least two business days before the scheduled Design Intent. Please don't add artifacts in the comments section.
Design Intent artifacts for review
See guidance on Design Intent artifacts. Governance Team feedback is based on the artifacts provided here as well as information provided during the meeting. Please provide links to artifacts at least two business days before the scheduled meeting.
- User flow
Not required, but nice to have:
- Wireframes (if provided, must include mobile wireframes)
- Research plan
- Any other artifacts you have so far
Governance Team actions
- Design Intent Slack thread with VFS team
- Meeting date/time:
After the meeting
Governance Team actions
- Update this ticket with the Zoom recording
- Recording link
- Passcode:
- Accessibility
- Feedback ticket attached
- No feedback
- Design
- Feedback ticket attached
- No feedback
- IA
- Feedback ticket attached
- No feedback
VFS team actions
- Review feedback tickets. Comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns.
Midpoint Review
Toggle Midpoint Review
#### Before meeting ##### VFS actions Navigate to reference link: [Midpoint Review Guidance]( - [ ] Schedule your Midpoint Review when ready: - Open the [Calendly midpoint review calendar]( - Select a date and time and click “Confirm” - Add your name and email - Click "Add Guests" and enter the VFS meeting attendees email addresses - Invite all relevant VFS team members, including accessibility support, product owners, and other VA stakeholders - Click "Schedule Event" - [ ] Check this box if you'd like this review to be asynchronous (Please refer to the [Midpoint Review guidance]( for the difference between a synchronous meeting and an asynchronous review) - [ ] Link all artifacts **ONLY** in the Midpoint Review artifacts section below at least two days before the scheduled Midpoint Review. **Do NOT add artifacts to Comments section**Midpoint Review artifacts
See Platform guidance on Midpoint Review artifacts. Platform feedback is based solely on the artifacts provided, as reviewed during the two days before the Midpoint Review meeting. Any work not included in the artifacts below or any ongoing work taking place during the review period may not be reflected in that feedback.
Provide links or documents for the following:
- Finalized design prototype or mockup:
- [x ] Specify which pages are included in the review: Intro page, Veteran or non-veteran claimant pages, Preform subtask standard form header, preform sub task minimal header
- [x ] Research plan:
- Conversation guide
Content artifacts - Please include a link to any Sitewide CAIA feedback you received, including a content source of truth, any relevant static content page and entry point updates, and the intake form.
IA artifacts
- Please include a link to any Sitewide CAIA feedback you received, including an IA review document or intake form.
Platform actions
- Slack thread with VFS team:
- Meeting date/time: April 1, 2024 at 3.30 PM ET
After meeting
Platform actions
- Accessibility
- Feedback ticket attached
- No feedback
- Content
- Feedback ticket attached
- No feedback
- Design
- Feedback ticket attached
- No feedback
- IA
- Feedback ticket attached
- No feedback
- Update this ticket with the Zoom recording
- Recording link
- Passcode: $d51JUme
VFS actions
- Review feedback tickets and comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns
Staging Review
Toggle Staging Review
Before meeting
VFS actions
- Navigate to reference link: Staging Review Guidance
- Schedule your Staging Review when ready:
- Open the Calendly staging review calendar
- Select a date and time and click “Confirm”
- Add your name and email
- Click "Add Guests" and enter the VFS meeting attendees email addresses
- Invite all relevant VFS team members, including accessibility support, product owners, and other VA stakeholders
- Click "Schedule Event"
- If this product contains any experimental design, add the
label and schedule a meeting with DSC to present the research findings. - Link all artifacts ONLY in the Staging Review artifacts section below at least four days before the scheduled Staging Review. Do NOT add artifacts to Comments section
- I confirm the environment is available and test users have been provided.
Staging Review artifacts
21-4138 Artifacts
Links to Staging Review artifacts must be added to this ticket 4 business days ahead of the scheduled meeting. Please do not make changes to the product or artifacts during the 4-day review period.
Required artifacts
- Direct link or instructions on how to access the product
- The product should be available on an approved staging environment.
- List screens, sections of screens, and/or user flows impacted by this work.
- Drupal or Staging URL for updated primary entry point: the main way Veterans will access the tool through site navigation (not search)
- If the primary entry point is not a page on, include information about how to view it. Reach out to
on Slack with any questions.
- If the primary entry point is not a page on, include information about how to view it. Reach out to
- Test users and scenarios (when applicable)
- Store test user information, passwords, and tasks in a .md file in the repository.
- Make sure all user scenarios can be tested, i.e.: in-progress form, submitted form, new form.
- List of known issues and bugs
- Include a list of known issues and/or bugs that might be flagged at Staging Review.
- When possible, please include links to relevant tickets.
- Link to Sitewide CAIA intake ticket, if applicable.
- Completed accessibility testing artifact: see instructions and link to accessibility testing template.
- QA Artifacts: artifacts that correspond to each of the QA Standards.
- Regression test plan
- Test plan
- Coverage for References
- Summary (Defects) reports
- E2E tests
- Code coverage
- Endpoint monitoring playbook
- Logging silent failures
Not required, but nice to have artifacts
- Content source of truth: link to CAIA Content feedback, such as a content source of truth.
- Information Architecture spec: link to CAIA IA feedback, such as an IA spec.
Platform actions
- Slack thread with VFS team
- Meeting date/time: 03:30pm - Thursday, March 13, 2025 (Eastern Time - US & Canada)
After meeting
Platform actions
- Update this ticket with the Zoom recording
- Recording link
- Password:
VFS actions
- Review the findings tickets and comment on the ticket if there are any questions or concerns
- Close individual findings tickets when the issue has been resolved or validated by your Product Owner. If a team has additional questions or needs Platform help validating the issue, please comment on the issue ticket.
- After launch, request an accessibility audit from the VA 508 Office. This is required even if no accessibility issues were found during the Staging Review.
- Share ServiceNow ticket number here: ______
- Close ticket once Privacy, Security, Infrastructure Readiness Review has been completed, VA 508 Office audit is requested, and all other post-Staging actions are complete
- Complete Collaboration Cycle feedback survey