PRs Related to OOB
- Please provide the list of PRs related to the need for this OOB Deploy below:
Active Daily Users Impacted
- How many active users are impacted at this time and day.
Over a 10 hour period, about 10k users were impacted. A rough estimate would mean a little over 20k users would be impacted in a day
Has fix been confirmed in Staging?
- Yes
- No
- Please provide the details/reason for the OOB Deploy
Prescription listing and refill functionality is currently disabled in the VAHB app due to errors returned for 100% of refill requests
Verify The following
- The OOB Deploy Request is after the 2pm EST cutoff for regular deploy.1
- The OOB Deploy Request is critical and must be resolved before the next automated deploy.
- You are prepared to create an Incident Post Mortem2 within two business days.
Performed by Platform Support Team
- PagerDuty OOB Deploy Incident Opened
- OCTO-DE staff acknowledgment of Request, via
/pd trigger
- Notification is posted in the appropriate Slack support and team Channels
- Infrastructure/Operations has acknowledge the Requests
- Security Team has Reviewed the requests
CC: @department-of-veterans-affairs/vsp-operations , @department-of-veterans-affairs/vsp-product-support