Form Process Documentation as reference
Product Outline
Link to Product Outline
High Level User Story
As a Veteran or beneficiary, I want to file a claim online for CHAMPVA so that I can receive coverage for health care services.
Hypothesis or Bet
If we make this change then we expect to reduce the burden time it takes for the application to get to the business line to process it.
Create a better user and accessibility experience filling out an online application rather than a PDF
As part of the IDEA Act, we are prioritizing forms that have the low complexity to build / high frequency of use and high impact to Veterans.
Definition of done
- The form will be available to fill out online from Find a Form and sent to PEGA for further processing
Steps for completion
- Research
- Identify Stakeholders
- User Story & Workflow
- Product Outline- github
- Wireframes
- Walk through wireframes with the devs
- Source of Truth
- Stakeholder review
Collab Cycle Kick off
- Create Collab Cycle Ticket
- Product Outline
- Channel #platform support
Research review
- Research plan
- Conversation guide
- Manual Browser Test Plans in Test Rails
- Unit Tests
- End to end Tests Cypress
- QA test cases
SiteWide Intake Form - Different Team
- Create intake issue
- Product Outline
- Sketch Files
- Source of Truth
- #Ping
- Implement feedback & breadcrumbs
Midpoint Review
- Finalized Prototypes
- Source of Truth
Analytics Review (asynchronous)- Product - after coding is completed
- Create analytics ticket
- Product Outline
- Authenticated Test user Log ins
- Staging URL
- Document Page URL, interactions
Staging Review
- Create Staging Review ticket
- Staging URL
- Staging User logins
- IA Intake Ticket linked
- Regression Tests
- End to end Tests
- Unit Tests
- Accessibility Tests- Open ticket
Contact Center Review (asynchronous)
- Product Guide
Privacy Readiness Review (asynchronous)
- Create ticket
- Product Outline - Product
- Release Plan - Product