Please fill out the necessary details and list the PRs related to the OOB deployment in the sections below.
PRs Related to OOB
- Please provide the list of PRs related to the need for this OOB Deploy below:
Removing "other" report option from report modal of Find a Representative vets-website#30242
Active Daily Users Impacted
- How many active users are impacted at this time and day.
From launch until today there have been 59,358 FAR users. 393 users have submitted information through the 'other' field that we're removing in this OOB (see the description below).
Has fix been confirmed in Staging?
- [] Yes
- No
- Please provide the details/reason for the OOB Deploy
Hello, the Accredited Representation Management team needs to request an out-of-band-deploy for vets-website.
Each search result in our Find a Rep feature allows users to flag bad rep data and contains an ‘other’ field where a user can type a note. Some users have been entering PII in that field so we need to remove it ASAP.
We are working on a PR to remove the ‘other’ field now. We’ll need to get that approved ASAP, and then get it deployed ASAP.
Verify The following
- The OOB Deploy Request is after the 2pm EST cutoff for regular deploy.1
- The OOB Deploy Request is critical and must be resolved before the next automated deploy.
- You are prepared to create an Incident Post Mortem2 within two business days.
Performed by Platform Support Team
- PagerDuty OOB Deploy Incident Opened
- OCTO-DE staff acknowledgment of Request, via
/pd trigger
- Notification is posted in the appropriate Slack support and team Channels
- Infrastructure/Operations has acknowledge the Requests
- Security Team has Reviewed the requests
CC: @department-of-veterans-affairs/vsp-operations , @department-of-veterans-affairs/vsp-product-support