Issue Description
This issue was identified in the accessibility audit of the review & confirmation pages of the 526 form.
The bottom of the yellow focus indicator is covered by the top of the accordion. Note: this is a WCAG 2.2 Level AAA, so not required, more of an enhancement.
Expected severity: a11y-defect-4
Page: review-and-submit
Environment: Keyboard Nav
Estimated Level of Effort to fix: low
Design system component involved: Yes
Relevant WCAG success criteria: 2.4.12 Focus Not Obscured (Enhanced) Level AAA
To Reproduce:
- TAB to the "Expand all +" button
Expected Behavior
- The keyboard focus indicator should be fully visible
Actual Behavior
- The bottom of the focus ring is hidden
- Adjust styling so that the focus ring is fully visible
- Please update the "Fix Status" column in the 526 Accessibility Audit issues tracking doc when ticket is started and completed.
Acceptance Criteria
- The keyboard focus indicator should be fully visible
- Accessibility Audit issue tracking doc is updated with ticket status