Issue Description
This issue was identified in the accessibility audit of the review & confirmation pages of the 526 form.
Expected severity: a11y-defect-4
Page: review-and-submit
Environment: any screenreader/browser combo
Estimated Level of Effort to fix: Medium
Design system component involved: Yes
Relevant WCAG success criteria: N/A
To Reproduce:
- Check out the form controls shortcuts screen on your screenreader (for example on VoiceOver the Rotor).
Expected Behavior
- "I have read and accept the privacy policy. (*Required)" should appear once
Actual Behavior
- See if we the privacy policy checkbox can be updated to only count as one form control. If so, fix it. if not, document the issue.
- Please update the "Fix Status" column in the 526 Accessibility Audit issues tracking doc when ticket is started and completed.
Acceptance Criteria
The checkbox only appears once on Form controls shortcut pages
Accessibility Audit issue tracking doc is updated with ticket status