When on a TeamSite (e.g. in mobile view, the mega menu closes when opening and closing a sub-section and leaves the Menu button hanging at "Close."
To reproduce:
- Open the menu via the Menu hamburger button on the right side
- Click "VA Benefits and Health Care" or "About VA" to view all the links for that menu
- Click that text again to close the links for that menu
- Note that the mega menu closes when it shouldn't, and the button says "Close" but there is no menu to close
- If you click the Close button and then Menu again, the mega menu does open as normal
User story
AS A Veteran, their caregiver, family member or survivor
I WANT to be able to navigate the the entire header on all VA websites (teamsites/ on my mobile phone without it randomly closing
SO THAT I can find what I want to view without frustration
Quality / testing notes
- Verify that opening and closing any accordion on mobile works as expected and does not close the mega menu unexpectedly
- Regression check menus on desktop
Acceptance criteria
- Mobile mega menu works as expected on all injected headers (into Teamsites) and does not open/close unless the Menu/Close is clicked
- Regression check the menus on desktop