Is where all our namespaced code lives. This is where we develop the future backend of the Yoast SEO plugin. The code in here adheres to the following characteristics:
- Uses PHP 5.6 as its minimum PHP version.
- Uses namespaces.
- Uses dependency injection via Symphony Dependency Injection container.
- Is organized in concepts, creating a clearer separation of concerns.
- Is better isolated from WordPress and other dependencies and therefore easy to test.
The directory structure splits the code up into different concepts. Here's a global overview:
├── actions REST actions contain the business logic which is executed on routes.
├── builders Builders create Indexables from legacy post metadata
├── commands Yoast WP-CLI commands.
├── conditionals Conditionals determine whether an Integration should load.
├── config Config objects for our tooling.
├── context Context for our presenters. @todo these are in fact presentations, refactor.
├── deprecated Contains all deprecated code, mostly non-namespaced.
├── exceptions Custom Exception objects.
├── generators Generators generate metadata pieces.
│ └── schema Schema piece generators.
├── helpers Helpers are simple utility services which can be used across our code.
│ └── schema Schema helpers.
├── initializers Initializers bootstrap the Yoast plugin / ORM.
├── integrations Any piece of code that hooks into WordPress.
│ ├── admin Integrations that load only on the admin.
│ ├── blocks Integrations that register blocks.
│ ├── front-end Integrations that load only on the frontend.
│ ├── third-party Integrations with third-party plugins.
│ └── watchers Integrations that watch data mutations and do something.
├── loggers PSR-3 Loggers, see
├── memoizers Memoizers cache data and context. @todo move to repositories and remove this concept.
├── models Idiorm ORM models.
├── oauth Contains an oauth client. @todo move to a separate lib or to /clients concept.
├── orm Contains a wrapper of Idiorm. @todo move to a separate lib or to /wrappers concept.
├── presentations Presentations lazily and polymorphically generate data for presenters to output.
├── presenters Presenters output Presentations. In MVVM, our presenters resemble views, where presentations resemble view models.
│ ├── admin Admin Presenters
│ ├── debug Debug marker Presenters
│ ├── open-graph Open Graph Presenters.
│ ├── twitter Twitter Presenters.
│ └── webmaster Webmaster tag presenters.
├── routes Routes register a REST route and connect it to an action.
├── repositories Repositories are injectable services from which I can request ORM Model instances
├── surfaces Surfaces are facades through which integrators can interface with Yoast SEO.
├── values Values are meant to encapsulate data in a reliable structure that is easy to interface with.
├── wordpress Contains a WordPress wrapper. @todo move to /wrappers concept.
└── wrappers Wrappers wrap external dependencies for use within our objects.