Hi, consider a monorepo that has some TypeScript packages kept in packages/*
. Now one of these packages, let's call it b
, depends on package a
. Package a
has entry point set as TS file e.g. src/index.ts.
. When trying to bundle such package microbundle
fails since it cannot transpile package a
as it's declared as a dependency of b
and thus it's expected that the package is already bundled up.
I could think of the following solutions:
- Only use published npm packages as dependency.
- Always point main entry to bundle e.g. dist/index.js.
- Keep using TS files as main entry but when bundling, use bundled version i.e. dist/index.js.
I have prepared a small sample monorepo illustrating the issue but so far haven't decided on the best solution as all have drawbacks. Ideally, mirobundle would transpile its local dependencies too but as far as I can tell, it's not supported? Any there any other alternatives that I'm missing?