Some STAC catalogs keep links to cloud-readable assets (S3) in assets > alternate > key > href, rather than the main asset > href - i.e. using the Alternate Assets STAC extension.
We considered adding a mechanism to TiTiler-PgSTAC to use these alternate asset hrefs, but the preferred solution was to implement this at the application level for now.
"assets": { "blue": { "title": "Blue Band (B2)", "description": "Collection 2 ARD Blue Band (B2) Surface Reflectance", "type": "image/vnd.stac.geotiff; cloud-optimized=true", "roles": [ "data" ], "eo:bands": [ { "name": "B2", "common_name": "blue", "gsd": 30, "center_wavelength": 0.48 } ], "href": "", "alternate": { "s3": { "storage:platform": "AWS", "storage:requester_pays": true, "href": "s3://usgs-landsat-ard/collection02/oli-tirs/2024/AK/001/011/LC09_AK_001011_20240818_20240822_02/LC09_AK_001011_20240818_20240822_02_SR_B2.TIF" } } } }
"assets": { "AOT_10m": { "gsd": 10, "href": "$value", "type": "image/jp2", "roles": [ "data", "sampling:original", "gsd:10m" ], "title": "Aerosol optical thickness (AOT) - 10m", "alternate": { "s3": { "href": "s3://eodata/Sentinel-2/MSI/L2A/2024/03/28/S2A_MSIL2A_20240328T100631_N0510_R022_T33UVR_20240328T142447.SAFE/GRANULE/L2A_T33UVR_A045779_20240328T100900/IMG_DATA/R10m/T33UVR_20240328T100631_AOT_10m.jp2", "storage:tier": "hot", "storage:region": "waw", "storage:platform": "CREODIAS", "storage:requester_pays": false } } } }
Possible solution
Since we were facing collections like this for VEDA, we implemented a dedicated reader in veda-backend: class PgSTACReaderAlt(PgSTACReader)
VEDA Backend implemented a tiler for alternate assets called s3
this way:
class PgSTACReaderAlt(PgSTACReader):
"""Custom STAC Reader for the alternate asset format used widely by NASA.
Only accept `pystac.Item` as input (while accepts url or pystac.Item)
def _get_asset_info(self, asset: str) -> AssetInfo:
"""Validate asset names and return asset's url.
asset (str): STAC asset name.
str: STAC asset href.
if asset not in self.assets:
raise InvalidAssetName(f"{asset} is not valid")
asset_info = self.input.assets[asset]
extras = asset_info.extra_fields
if ("alternate" not in extras) or ("s3" not in extras["alternate"]):
raise MissingAssets("No alternate asset found")
info = AssetInfo(url=extras["alternate"]["s3"]["href"], metadata=extras)
info["env"] = {}
if "file:header_size" in asset_info.extra_fields:
h = asset_info.extra_fields["file:header_size"]
info["env"].update({"GDAL_INGESTED_BYTES_AT_OPEN": h})
if requester_pays := extras["alternate"]["s3"].get("storage:requester_pays"):
if requester_pays:
info["env"].update({"AWS_REQUEST_PAYER": "requester"})
if bands := extras.get("raster:bands"):
stats = [
(b["statistics"]["minimum"], b["statistics"]["maximum"])
for b in bands
if {"minimum", "maximum"}.issubset(b.get("statistics", {}))
if len(stats) == len(bands):
info["dataset_statistics"] = stats
return info
This alternative tiler is then exposed at a new endpoint on the same application: /alt/collections/{collection_id}/items/{item_id}
It is up to the user to basically use the right URL pattern for a specific collection.
The new base route /alt
, as in /alt/collections
, is non-invasive on the existing routes.
An alternative could be to add a parameter to pass to endpoints like /collections/{collection_id}/items/{item_id}/tiles/{tileMatrixSetId}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{format}
like &alternate_assets_key=s3
or so. Or not specify the key but a flag - since s3
seems to be a commonly used alternate asset key?
Acceptance criteria
- The TiTiler tiles endpoints can pick up assets from alternate assets
instead of the main item href, for selected collections
- enhancement
- discussion
- help wanted