Currently, if you change an environment variable for one of the containers, of edit the ConfigMap, it does not automatically restart the affected containers - i.e. the environment variable does not propagate to the container with a deploy, and it needs a manual restart of the container for the environment variables to propagate.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Change an environment variable in values.yaml
- Deploy
- My changed environment variable to be on the container
- The container does not restart because it does not know the ConfigMap has changed.
From chat with @ranchodeluxe on Slack:
"personally I'd just make my CI/CD bounce all services at deploy time and then you don't have to worry"
That sounds good to me. Another option would be to use an annotation on the deployments that's a hash of the ConfigMap, so if the ConfigMap changes, the hash changes, and that would force a container restart.
This is not urgent, just wanted to drop the issue so as not to forget.