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Releases: devops-infra/action-pull-request

v0.3 - Better differences between branches

14 Sep 19:59
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Fixed quotations for creating pull request.
Removed default value for new_string input.
Date in log changed from %cr to %cd.
Commits subjects as default old_string replacement.
Fixed title to one line.
Date in format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
Different order of blocks in
Create PR body based on var, not a file.
Updated documentation.

v0.2 - Fixed ambiguous argument error

14 Sep 19:58
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Fixed crashing and causing issues when source branch has master (old school) or main (new repos) in its name.

It was causing errors like fatal: ambiguous argument master..test-master-name: unknown revision or path not in the working tree.

v0.1 - First release

30 Jun 07:32
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GitHub Action for creating Pull Requests

GitHub Action that will create a pull request from the current branch.

Useful in combination with my other action devopsinfra/action-commit-push.

Dockerized as devopsinfra/action-pull-request.


  • Creates pull request if triggered from a current branch or any specified by source_branch to a target_branch.
  • Title and body of a pull request can be specified with title and body.
  • Can assign assignee, reviewer, one or more label, a milestone or mark it as a draft
  • Can replace any old_string inside a pull request template with a new_string.
  • When get_diff is true will add list of commits in place of <!-- Diff commits --> and list of modified files in place of <!-- Diff files --> in a pull request template.