File tree
12,777 files changed
lines changed- CHANGELOG
- api
- apiToken
- appStore
- chartGroup
- chartProvider
- deployment
- discover
- values
- appbean
- argoApplication
- auth
- sso
- user
- util
- bean
- gitOps
- chartRepo
- cluster
- connector
- dashboardEvent
- deployment
- devtronResource
- bean
- externalLink
- fluxApplication
- helm-app
- bean
- gRPC
- mocks
- models
- openapiClient
- service
- bean
- infraConfig
- k8s
- application
- capacity
- module
- openapi/openapiClient
- restHandler
- app
- appInfo
- appList
- pipeline
- configure
- history
- status
- trigger
- webhook
- workflow
- common
- scopedVariable
- router
- app
- appInfo
- appList
- pipeline
- configure
- history
- status
- trigger
- workflow
- server
- sse
- team
- terminal
- util
- webhook/helm
- argocd-assets
- assets
- cel
- test
- charts/devtron
- crds
- templates
- client
- argocdServer
- adapter
- application
- bean
- certificate
- cluster
- connection
- repocreds
- repository
- session
- cron
- dashboard
- events
- gitSensor
- mocks
- grafana
- jira
- lens
- proxy
- telemetry
- cmd/external-app
- contrib-chart
- reference-chart_3-11-0
- templates
- developers-guide
- scripts
- fetchAllEnv
- internal
- constants
- errors
- middleware
- sql
- models
- repository
- app
- mocks
- appStatus
- mocks
- tests
- appWorkflow
- mocks
- bulkUpdate
- chartConfig
- mocks
- deploymentConfig
- dockerRegistry
- helper
- imageTagging
- mocks
- mocks
- pipelineConfig
- adapter/cdWorkflow
- bean
- ciPipeline
- timelineStatus
- mocks
- resourceGroup
- security
- bean
- util
- JiraUtil
- mocks
- manifests
- crds
- hyperion
- install
- updates
- production
- yamls
- grafana-charts
- otel
- pkg
- apiToken
- apis/devtron/v1
- validation
- app
- bean
- integrationTest
- mocks
- status
- bean
- appClone
- batch
- appStatus
- appStore
- adapter
- bean
- chartGroup
- repository
- chartProvider
- discover
- repository
- service
- installedApp
- adapter
- repository
- service
- EAMode
- FullMode
- deployment
- deploymentTypeChange
- resource
- bean
- common
- util
- values
- repository
- service
- appWorkflow
- argoApplication
- bean
- helper
- read
- argoRepositoryCreds
- bean
- tests
- asyncProvider
- attributes
- bean
- auth
- authentication
- authorisation/casbin
- sso
- user
- adapter
- bean
- helper
- mocks
- casbin
- repository
- RepositoryMocks
- helper
- mocks
- util
- bean
- build
- artifacts
- bulkAction
- chart
- gitOpsConfig
- bean
- mocks
- chartRepo
- repository
- mocks
- cluster
- adapter
- mocks
- repository
- bean
- mocks
- clusterTerminalAccess
- clusterTerminalUtils
- commonService
- mocks
- configDiff
- adaptor
- bean
- helper
- utils
- delete
- deployment
- common
- bean
- read
- deployedApp
- bean
- gitOps
- common/bean
- config
- bean
- git
- adapter
- bean
- commandManager
- validation
- bean
- manifest
- bean
- deployedAppMetrics
- bean
- repository
- deploymentTemplate
- adapter
- bean
- chartRef
- adapter
- bean
- helper
- publish
- providerConfig
- trigger
- devtronApps
- adapter
- bean
- helper
- userDeploymentRequest
- adapter
- repository
- service
- deploymentGroup
- devtronResource
- adapter
- bean
- history
- helper
- history/deployment/cdPipeline
- mocks
- read
- repository
- mocks
- util
- dex
- dockerRegistry
- errors
- eventProcessor
- bean
- celEvaluator
- in
- out
- bean
- externalLink
- intergrationTests
- mocks
- fluxApplication
- bean
- generateManifest
- genericNotes
- mocks
- repository
- mocks
- tests
- git
- gitops
- bean
- imageDigestPolicy
- infraConfig
- units
- k8s
- application
- bean
- mocks
- capacity
- bean
- informer
- kubernetesResourceAuditLogs
- repository
- module
- repo
- store
- util
- notifier
- pipeline
- adapter
- bean
- CiPipeline
- executors
- history
- mocks
- repository
- mocks
- infraProviders
- infraGetters
- ciPipeline
- job
- mock_pipeline
- mocks
- repository
- types
- plugin
- adaptor
- bean
- helper
- repository
- utils
- resourceGroup
- resourceQualifiers
- mocks
- security
- bean
- server
- bean
- config
- store
- sql
- team
- mocks
- terminal
- mocks
- util
- variables
- cache
- helper
- mocks
- models
- parsers
- repository
- utils
- webhook/helm
- workflow
- cd
- adapter
- bean
- dag
- bean
- status
- bean
- sample-docker-templates
- django
- flask
- go
- java
- kotlin
- node
- php
- php7.4
- react
- rust
- scripts
- argo-assets
- casbin
- dev-conf
- devtron-reference-helm-charts
- cronjob-chart_1-2-0
- templates
- cronjob-chart_1-3-0
- templates
- cronjob-chart_1-4-0
- templates
- cronjob-chart_1-5-0
- templates
- deployment-chart_1-0-0
- templates
- deployment-chart_1-1-0
- templates
- deployment-chart_4-18-0
- templates
- deployment-chart_4-19-0
- templates
- knative-chart_1-1-0
- templates
- reference-app
- templates
- reference-app-rolling
- templates
- reference-chart-proxy
- reference-chart_3-0-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-1-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-10-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-11-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-12-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-13-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-2-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-3-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-4-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-5-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-6-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-7-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-8-0
- templates
- reference-chart_3-9-0
- templates
- reference-chart_4-10-0
- templates
- reference-chart_4-11-0
- templates
- reference-chart_4-12-0
- templates
- reference-chart_4-13-0
- templates
- reference-chart_4-14-0
- templates
- reference-chart_4-15-0
- templates
- reference-chart_4-16-0
- templates
- reference-chart_4-17-0
- templates
- reference-chart_4-18-0
- templates
- reference-chart_5-0-0
- templates
- statefulset-chart_4-18-0
- templates
- statefulset-chart_4-19-0
- templates
- statefulset-chart_5-0-0
- templates
- statefulset-chart_5-1-0
- templates
- workflow-chart_1-0-0
- templates
- sql
- utilities
- specs
- buildInfraConfig
- ci-pipeline
- ciPipelineDownstream
- external-app
- external-links
- md-output
- .openapi-generator
Some content is hidden
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12,777 files changed
lines changedWhitespace-only changes.
This file was deleted.
This file was deleted.
This file was deleted.
This file was deleted.
This file was deleted.
0 commit comments