I am using selfie-runner-junit5:2.0.1
to verify errors for each test case. I my parameters include a unique test case name to pass into toMatchDisk
The summarized version:
@ParameterizedTest(name = "rejects invalid commands: {1}")
fun `rejects invalid commands`(
cmd: Command,
testcaseName: String,
) = runTest {
val thrown = shouldThrow<TraitStandardResponseException> {
thrown.response.respCase shouldBe RespCase.RESPONSE_BAD_REQUEST
When I run this test case, the snapshot file is successfully written:
╔═ rejects invalid commands/Child node not found ═╗
ModifyItem must have a valid item case to modify
╔═ rejects invalid commands/Empty modify item ═╗
ModifyItem must have a valid item case to modify
╔═ rejects invalid commands/Empty modify node item ═╗
ModifyNodeItemWithAddition must have either modifyItem, updateExistingTraits, modifyChildElectricalConnectionPoints, or upstreamElectricalConnectionPoint
╔═ rejects invalid commands/No UtilityMeterNode when trying to edit a utility meter node ═╗
No UtilityMeterNode item found for node id 1 in topology
╔═ rejects invalid commands/Node not found ═╗
Provided node id 1 not in topology
╔═ rejects invalid commands/empty modifyDownstreamElectricalConnectionPoint ═╗
ModifyItem must have a valid item case to modify
╔═ rejects invalid commands/empty simpleElectricalConnectionPoint ═╗
ModifyItem must have a valid item case to modify
╔═ [end of file] ═╗
But the first run fails with this error:
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Snapshot was set to multiple values!
first time: ValidatorTest$rejects invalid commands$1.invokeSuspend(Validator.kt:613)
this time: ValidatorTest$rejects invalid commands$1.invokeSuspend(Validator.kt:613)
Once the file is created things seem to work:
- Subsequent test runs pass
- If I modify one or more of the expected value and include
the updates are made and tests pass - Add one or more new test case with
I can produce the same errors again if the file exists if I ever reuse the _TODO