git setting of line endings are not fetched from gitconfig file in git home folder #2342
- summary of problem
My C:\Program Files\Git\etc\gitconfig file has a [core] autocrlf = input setting but this parameter is not defined in $HOME/.gitconfig.
kotlin, kotlinGradle, groovy, shell, json, yaml, format("markdown"), format("text") has a problem with LF line ending and fixes to CRLF. Java is not effected.
If [core] autocrlf = input set in $HOME/.gitconfig, spotless works well. - Gradle or Maven version
Gradle 8.11 - spotless version
6.25 - operating system and version
Win 11 - copy-paste your full Spotless configuration block(s), and a link to a public git repo that reproduces the problem if possible
spotless { java { target("**/*.java") targetExclude(defaultExcludes) googleJavaFormat(libs["google-java-format"].version) .reflowLongStrings() .formatJavadoc(true) targetExclude(defaultExcludes) } kotlin { target("**/*.kt") targetExclude(defaultExcludes) ktfmt(libs["ktfmt"].version).googleStyle() } kotlinGradle { ktfmt(libs["ktfmt"].version).googleStyle() targetExclude(defaultExcludes) } groovy { target("**/*.groovy", "Jenkinsfile", "**/Jenkinsfile.*") targetExclude(defaultExcludes) trimTrailingWhitespace() endWithNewline() } shell { target("**/*.sh", "src/main/sh/**/*") targetExclude(defaultExcludes) localPrettier(libs["prettier"], libs["prettier-sh"]) .config( mapOf( "plugins" to listOf("prettier-plugin-sh"), "parser" to "sh", *prettierDefaults ) ) trimTrailingWhitespace() endWithNewline() } json { target("**/*.json", "**/*.json5") targetExclude(defaultExcludes) localPrettier(libs["prettier"]) .config(mapOf(*prettierDefaults)) } yaml { target("**/*.yaml", "**/*.yml") targetExclude(defaultExcludes) localPrettier(libs["prettier"]) .config(mapOf(*prettierDefaults)) } format("markdown") { target("**/*.md") targetExclude(defaultExcludes) localPrettier(libs["prettier"]) .config(mapOf(*prettierDefaults)) } format("text") { target( "**/.gitattributes", "**/.gitignore", "**/.npmrc", "**/.sdkmanrc", "**/*.properties", "Dockerfile", "**/*.txt", "**/*.config" ) targetExclude(defaultExcludes) trimTrailingWhitespace() endWithNewline() indentWithSpaces(2) } }