Currently the S3 bucket for state and the dynamoDb table for state locks (unrelated to PR locks) is expected to be there and managed by the user.
Raised by @SalvoRusso8
"Maybe for the future, to provide a terraform file or a cloudformation for the initial configuration could be a nice feature"
"So where do I specify which bucket to use? I think this first configuration part is not discussed enough in the docs"
It might be helpful to have some kind of a helper (e.g. CLI) to CRUD those states. Or maybe have them as configurable in digger.yml and have a separate "mgmt" action. We might also introduce some kind of an entity to represent "extended state" with locks etc, similar to Spacelift Stacks - which would basically be the stateful part of Projects, also managed in user's aws account by Digger. Opinionated consideration: oing that part from the main action seems to be confusing concerns that aren't supposed to be mixed together. So there's got to be a separate workflow, be it CLI or config or a different action or whatnot.