Using latest v0.1.29, with github actions.
My config is based on the multienv example and I am trying to add chekov.
I added the additional step to my digger.yml file, along with the setup-chekov
parameter in the workflow file.
It does run chekov inside the "CI / build (pull_request) " stage, and outputs the results in the stdout here.
However, this is not very intuitive, and I would have expected these chekov results to be shown in the comments and an additional step failing. Instead, the step fails and does not post a comment to the PR.
(I would expect it to post a comment like this, with chekov results)
Is there any way to show the chekov results as a separate result here?
It would be great if I could make it show up as environment/chekov instead of in the stdout of the CI logs.
Do I need a custom workflow for this?
At the time of writing, this documentation page is empty.