| 1 | +High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) |
| 2 | +CONUS 2-D Fields |
| 3 | +GRIB2 Table Documentation |
| 4 | +13 March 2013 |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | +RecordNumber,TableNumber,DisciplineNumber,CategoryNumber,ParameterNumber,WGrib2Name,NCLName,FieldType,Description,Units, |
| 7 | +1,0,0,16,196,var,REFC_P0_L200_GLC0,Composite Reflectivity,Maximum reflectivity in model column,dBZ, |
| 8 | +2,0,0,3,193,var,5WAVH_P0_L3_GLC0,Echo Top,Echo top height of 18dBZ surface,m, |
| 9 | +3,0,0,3,194,var,UGWD_P0_L200_GLC0,VIL,Vertically integrated liquid,kg/m^2, |
| 10 | +4,0,0,3,195,var,VGWD_P0_L200_GLC0,Radar VIL,Radar-derived vertically integrated liquid,kg/m^2, |
| 11 | +5,0,0,19,0,VIS,VIS_P0_L1_GLC0,Visibility,Surface visibility,m, |
| 12 | +6,0,0,16,195,var,REFD_P0_L103_GLC0,Reflectivity,Reflectivity at 1 km above ground level,dBZ, |
| 13 | +7,8,0,3,206,var,NLGSP_P8_2L100_GLC0_1h,Maximum Updraft,Maximum updraft velocity in 1000-400 mb layer over previous hour,m/s, |
| 14 | +8,8,2,0,196,var,CNWAT_P8_2L100_GLC0,Maximum Downdraft,Maximum downdraft velocity in 1000-400 mb layer over previous hour,m/s, |
| 15 | +9,8,0,2,9,DZDT,DZDT_P8_2L104_GLC0,Mean Vertical Velocity,Mean vertical velocity in sigma 0.8-0.5 layer,m/s, |
| 16 | +10,0,0,3,1,PRMSL,PRMSL_P0_L101_GLC0,Pressure,Pressure reduced to mean sea level via MAPS method,Pa, |
| 17 | +11,8,0,1,198,var,MINRH_P8_L103_GLC0_1h,Maximum Reflectivity,Maximum reflectivity at 1 km above ground level over previous hour,dBZ, |
| 18 | +12,8,3,192,2,SBT124,SBT124_P8_2L103_GLC0_1h,Maximum Updraft Helicity,Maximum updraft helicity in layer 2-5 km above ground level over previous hour,m^2/s^2, |
| 19 | +13,8,3,192,3,SBT126,SBT125_P8_2L103_GLC0_1h,Maximum Updraft Helicity,Maximum updraft helicity in layer 1-6 km above ground level over previous hour,m^2/s^2, |
| 20 | +14,8,10,3,192,var,SURGE_P8_L200_GLC0_1h,Vertically Integrated Graupel,Maximum vertically integrated graupel in model column over previous hour,kg/m^2, |
| 21 | +15,8,2,0,206,var,RDRIP_P8_L200_GLC0_1h,Lightning Threat 1,Maximum lightning threat 1 based on vertical flux of graupel at -15C over previous hour,flashes/km^2/(5 min), |
| 22 | +16,8,0,1,206,var,TIPD_P8_L200_GLC0_1h,Lightning Threat 2,Maximum lightning threat 2 based on vertically integrated graupel snow and cloud ice over previous hour,flashes/km^2/(5 min), |
| 23 | +17,0,0,17,192,var,LTNG_P8_L200_GLC0_1h,Lightning Threat 3,Maximum lightning threat 3 based on a weighted combination of lightning threat 1 and 2 over previous hour,flashes/km^2/(5 min), |
| 24 | +18,0,0,7,197,var,UPHL_P8_2L103_GLC0,Updraft Helicity,Updraft helicity in layer 2-5 km above ground level,m^2/s^2, |
| 25 | +19,0,3,192,1,SBT123,SBT123_P8_2L103_GLC0,Updraft Helicity,Updraft helicity in layer 1-6 km above ground level,m^2/s^2, |
| 26 | +20,0,0,0,195,var,LRGHR_P0_L200_GLC0,Heating Rate,Large scale condensate heating rate,K/s, |
| 27 | +21,0,0,0,196,var,CNVHR_P0_L200_GLC0,Heating Rate,Deep convective heating rate,K/s, |
| 28 | +22,0,0,1,213,var,CNVMR_P0_L200_GLC0,Moistening Rate,Deep convective moistening rate,kg/kg/s, |
| 29 | +23,0,0,0,201,var,SHAHR_P0_L200_GLC0,Heating Rate,Shallow convective heating rate,K/s, |
| 30 | +24,0,0,1,214,var,SHAMR_P0_L200_GLC0,Moistening Rate,Shallow convective moistening rate,kg/kg/s, |
| 31 | +25,0,0,0,202,var,VDFHR_P0_L200_GLC0,Heating Rate,Vertical diffusion heating rate,K/s, |
| 32 | +26,0,0,2,19,WMIXE,WMIXE_P0_L103_GLC0,Wind Energy,Wind energy generation potential using 0.5*density*speed^3 at 80 m above ground level,W/m^2, |
| 33 | +27,0,10,1,2,UOGRD,UOGRD_P0_L103_GLC0,Wind,U-component of wind at 80 m above ground level,m/s, |
| 34 | +28,0,10,1,3,VOGRD,VOGRD_P0_L103_GLC0,Wind,V-component of wind at 80 m above ground level,m/s, |
| 35 | +29,0,0,3,0,PRES,PRES_P0_L1_GLC0,Pressure,Surface pressure,Pa, |
| 36 | +30,0,0,0,0,TMP,TMP_P0_L1_GLC0,Temperature,Surface (skin) temperature,K, |
| 37 | +31,0,2,0,2,TSOIL,TSOIL_P0_L1_GLC0,Soil Temperature,Surface (skin) soil temperature,K, |
| 38 | +32,0,2,0,192,var,SOILW_P0_L1_GLC0,Soil Moisture,Surface (skin) volumetric soil moisture content (0 to 0.5 cm layer below surface),fraction, |
| 39 | +33,0,2,0,2,TSOIL,TSOIL_P0_L106_GLC0(0),Soil Temperature,Soil temperature 1 cm below surface,K, |
| 40 | +34,0,2,0,192,var,SOILW_P0_L106_GLC0(0),Soil Moisture,Volumetric soil moisture content 1 cm below surface (0.5 to 2.5 cm layer below surface),fraction, |
| 41 | +35,0,2,0,2,TSOIL,TSOIL_P0_L106_GLC0(1),Soil Temperature,Soil temperature 4 cm below surface,K, |
| 42 | +36,0,2,0,192,var,SOILW_P0_L106_GLC0(1),Soil Moisture,Volumetric soil moisture content 4 cm below surface (2.5 to 7 cm layer below surface),fraction, |
| 43 | +37,0,2,0,2,TSOIL,TSOIL_P0_L106_GLC0(2),Soil Temperature,Soil temperature 10 cm below surface,K, |
| 44 | +38,0,2,0,192,var,SOILW_P0_L106_GLC0(2),Soil Moisture,Volumetric soil moisture content 10 cm below surface (7 to 20 cm layer below surface),fraction, |
| 45 | +39,0,2,0,2,TSOIL,TSOIL_P0_L106_GLC0(3),Soil Temperature,Soil temperature 30 cm below surface,K, |
| 46 | +40,0,2,0,192,var,SOILW_P0_L106_GLC0(3),Soil Moisture,Volumetric soil moisture content 30 cm below surface (20 to 45 cm layer below surface),fraction, |
| 47 | +41,0,2,0,2,TSOIL,TSOIL_P0_L106_GLC0(4),Soil Temperature,Soil temperature 60 cm below surface,K, |
| 48 | +42,0,2,0,192,var,SOILW_P0_L106_GLC0(4),Soil Moisture,Volumetric soil moisture content 60 cm below surface (45 to 80 cm layer below surface),fraction, |
| 49 | +43,0,2,0,2,TSOIL,TSOIL_P0_L106_GLC0(5),Soil Temperature,Soil temperature 100 cm below surface,K, |
| 50 | +44,0,2,0,192,var,SOILW_P0_L106_GLC0(5),Soil Moisture,Volumetric soil moisture content 100 cm below surface (80 to 130 cm layer below surface),fraction, |
| 51 | +45,0,2,0,2,TSOIL,TSOIL_P0_L106_GLC0(6),Soil Temperature,Soil temperature 160 cm below surface,K, |
| 52 | +46,0,2,0,192,var,SOILW_P0_L106_GLC0(6),Soil Moisture,Volumetric soil moisture content 160 cm below surface (130 to 230 cm layer below surface),fraction, |
| 53 | +47,0,2,0,2,TSOIL,TSOIL_P0_L106_GLC0(7),Soil Temperature,Soil temperature 300 cm below surface,K, |
| 54 | +48,0,2,0,192,var,SOILW_P0_L106_GLC0(7),Soil Moisture,Volumetric soil moisture content 300 cm below surface (230 to 300 cm layer below surface),fraction, |
| 55 | +49,0,0,1,13,WEASD,WEASD_P0_L1_GLC0,Snow Water,Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth,kg/m^2, |
| 56 | +50,0,0,0,0,TMP,TMP_P0_L103_GLC0,Temperature,Temperature at 2 m above ground level,K, |
| 57 | +51,0,0,0,2,POT,POT_P0_L103_GLC0,Potential Temperature,Potential temperature at 2 m above ground level,K, |
| 58 | +52,0,0,1,0,SPFH,SPFH_P0_L103_GLC0,Specific Humidity,Specific humidity at 2 m above ground level,kg/kg, |
| 59 | +53,0,0,0,6,DPT,DPT_P0_L103_GLC0,Dewpoint,Dewpoint temperature at 2 m above ground level,K, |
| 60 | +54,0,0,1,1,RH,RH_P0_L103_GLC0,Relative Humidity,Relative humidity at 2 m above ground level,%, |
| 61 | +55.1,0,0,2,2,UGRD,UGRD_P0_L103_GLC0,Wind,U-component of wind at 10 m above ground level,m/s, |
| 62 | +55.2,0,0,2,3,VGRD,VGRD_P0_L103_GLC0,Wind,V-component of wind at 10 m above ground level,m/s, |
| 63 | +56,8,0,0,192,var,SNOHF_P8_L103_GLC0_1h,Maximum Wind,Maximum horizontal wind speed at 10 m above ground level over previous hour,m/s, |
| 64 | +57,8,0,1,8,APCP,APCP_P8_L1_GLC0_accHHh,Precipitation,Total precipitation accumulated since initial time,kg/m^2, |
| 65 | +58,8,0,1,10,ACPCP,ACPCP_P8_L1_GLC0_accHHh,Precipitation,Total convective precipitation accumulated since initial time,kg/m^2, |
| 66 | +59,8,0,1,9,NCPCP,NCPCP_P8_L1_GLC0_accHHh,Precipitation,Total large-scale precipitation accumulated since initial time,kg/m^2, |
| 67 | +60,8,0,1,13,WEASD,WEASD_P8_L1_GLC0_accHHh,Precipitation,Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth since initial time,kg/m^2, |
| 68 | +61,8,0,1,8,APCP,APCP_P8_L1_GLC0_acc1h,Precipitation,Total precipitation accumulated over previous hour,kg/m^2, |
| 69 | +62,8,0,1,10,ACPCP,ACPCP_P8_L1_GLC0_acc1h,Precipitation,Total convective precipitation accumulated over previous hour,kg/m^2, |
| 70 | +63,8,0,1,9,NCPCP,NCPCP_P8_L1_GLC0_acc1h,Precipitation,Total large-scale precipitation accumulated over previous hour,kg/m^2, |
| 71 | +64,8,0,1,13,WEASD,WEASD_P8_L1_GLC0_acc1h,Precipitation,Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth over previous hour,kg/m^2, |
| 72 | +65,0,0,1,195,var,CSNOW_P0_L1_GLC0,Precipitation Type,Categorical snow (yes=1 no=0),flag, |
| 73 | +66,0,0,1,194,var,CICEP_P0_L1_GLC0,Precipitation Type,Categorical ice pellets (yes=1 no=0),flag, |
| 74 | +67,0,0,1,193,var,CFRZR_P0_L1_GLC0,Precipitation Type,Categorical freezing rain (yes=1 no=0),flag, |
| 75 | +68,0,0,1,192,var,CRAIN_P0_L1_GLC0,Precipitation Type,Categorical rain (yes=1 no=0),flag, |
| 76 | +69,0,0,2,197,FRICV,FRICV_P0_L1_GLC0,Wind,Frictional velocity,m/s, |
| 77 | +70,0,0,0,11,SHTFL,SHTFL_P0_L1_GLC0,Heat Flux,Sensible heat net flux at surface,W/m^2, |
| 78 | +71,0,0,0,10,LHTFL,LHTFL_P0_L1_GLC0,Heat Flux,Latent heat net flux at surface,W/m^2, |
| 79 | +72,0,2,0,193,var,GFLUX_P0_L1_GLC0,Heat Flux,Ground heat flux at surface,W/m^2, |
| 80 | +73,0,0,7,192,var,LFTX_P0_2L100_GLC0,Lifted Index,Surface lifted index using 500 mb reference level,K, |
| 81 | +74,0,0,7,6,CAPE,CAPE_P0_L1_GLC0,Instability,Surface CAPE using highest theta-e parcel from lowest 10 mb,J/kg, |
| 82 | +75,0,0,7,7,CIN,CIN_P0_L1_GLC0,Instability,Surface CIN using highest theta-e parcel from lowest 10 mb,J/kg, |
| 83 | +76,0,0,1,3,PWAT,PWAT_P0_L200_GLC0,Precipitable Water,Precipitable water in model column,kg/m^2, |
| 84 | +77,0,0,6,3,LCDC,LCDC_P0_L214_GLC0,Cloud Cover,Low cloud cover,%, |
| 85 | +78,0,0,6,4,MCDC,MCDC_P0_L224_GLC0,Cloud Cover,Medium cloud cover,%, |
| 86 | +79,0,0,6,5,HCDC,HCDC_P0_L234_GLC0,Cloud Cover,High cloud cover,%, |
| 87 | +80,0,0,6,1,TCDC,TCDC_P0_L200_GLC0,Cloud Cover,Total cloud cover,%, |
| 88 | +81,0,0,3,5,HGT,HGT_P0_L2_GLC0,Cloud Base,Geopotential height of cloud base,gpm, |
| 89 | +82,0,0,3,5,HGT,HGT_P0_L3_GLC0,Cloud Top,Geopotential height of cloud top,gpm, |
| 90 | +83,0,0,5,193,var,ULWRF_P0_L8_GLC0,Radiation,Outgoing longwave radiation at top of atmosphere,W/m^2, |
| 91 | +84,0,0,4,192,var,DSWRF_P0_L1_GLC0,Radiation,Incoming shortwave radiation at the surface,W/m^2, |
| 92 | +85,0,0,7,8,HLCY,HLCY_P0_2L103_GLC0(0),Helicity,Storm-relative helicity for 0-3 km above ground level using Bunkers et al. 2000 storm-motion,m^2/s^2, |
| 93 | +86,0,0,7,8,HLCY,HLCY_P0_2L103_GLC0(1),Helicity,Storm-relative helicity for 0-1 km above ground level using Bunkers et al. 2000 storm-motion,m^2/s^2, |
| 94 | +87,0,0,2,194,var,USTM_P0_2L103_GLC0,Storm Motion,U-component of convective storm motion for right-moving cells using Bunkers et al. 2000,m/s, |
| 95 | +88,0,0,2,195,var,VSTM_P0_2L103_GLC0,Storm Motion,V-component of convective storm motion for right-moving cells using Bunkers et al. 2000,m/s, |
| 96 | +89,0,0,2,15,VUCSH,VUCSH_P0_2L103_GLC0(0),Wind Shear,U-component of vector wind difference between 10 m and 1 km above ground level,m/s, |
| 97 | +90,0,0,2,16,VVCSH,VVCSH_P0_2L103_GLC0(0),Wind Shear,V-component of vector wind difference between 10 m and 1 km above ground level,m/s, |
| 98 | +91,0,0,2,15,VUCSH,VUCSH_P0_2L103_GLC0(1),Wind Shear,U-component of vector wind difference between wind in surface-500 m and 5.5-6.0 km layers above ground level,m/s, |
| 99 | +92,0,0,2,16,VVCSH,VVCSH_P0_2L103_GLC0(1),Wind Shear,V-component of vector wind difference between wind in surface-500 m and 5.5-6.0 km layers above ground level,m/s, |
| 100 | +93,0,0,0,0,TMP,TMP_P0_2L108_GLC0,Temperature,Mean temperature in lowest 30 mb,K, |
| 101 | +94,0,0,0,2,POT,POT_P0_2L108_GLC0,Temperature,Mean potential temperature in lowest 30 mb,K, |
| 102 | +95,0,0,1,1,RH,RH_P0_2L108_GLC0,Relative Humidity,Mean relative humidity in lowest 30 mb,%, |
| 103 | +96,0,0,0,6,DPT,DPT_P0_2L108_GLC0,Dewpoint,Mean dewpoint temperature in lowest 30 mb,K, |
| 104 | +97,0,0,7,193,var,4LFTX_P0_2L108_GLC0,Lifted Index,Most unstable lifted index in six lowest 30 mb layers using 500 mb reference level,K, |
| 105 | +98,0,0,7,6,CAPE,CAPE_P0_2L108_GLC0(1),Instability,CAPE using highest average theta-e in six lowest 30 mb layers,J/kg, |
| 106 | +99,0,0,7,7,CIN,CIN_P0_2L108_GLC0(1),Instability,CIN using highest average theta-e in six lowest 30 mb layers,J/kg, |
| 107 | +100,0,0,3,196,var,HPBL_P0_L1_GLC0,Height,Planetary boundary layer height,m, |
| 108 | +101,0,0,3,5,HGT,HGT_P0_L5_GLC0,Height,Adiabatic condensation level above ground (LCL),gpm, |
| 109 | +102,0,0,7,6,CAPE,CAPE_P0_2L108_GLC0(0),Instability,Mixed-layer CAPE (MLCAPE) using average theta-e of the three lowest 30 mb layers,J/kg, |
| 110 | +103,0,0,7,7,CIN,CIN_P0_2L108_GLC0(0),Instability,Mixed-layer CIN (MLCIN) using average theta-e of the three lowest 30 mb layers,J/kg, |
| 111 | +104,0,0,7,6,CAPE,CAPE_P0_2L108_GLC0(2),Instability,Most unstable CAPE (MUCAPE) using parcel with highest theta-e in lowest 300 mb,J/kg, |
| 112 | +105,0,0,7,7,CIN,CIN_P0_2L108_GLC0(2),Instability,Most unstable CIN (MUCIN) using parcel with highest theta-e in lowest 300 mb,J/kg, |
| 113 | +106,0,0,3,200,var,PLPL_P0_2L108_GLC0,Pressure,Pressure level of most unstable parcel in lowest 300 mb,Pa, |
| 114 | +107,0,0,2,22,GUST,GUST_P0_L1_GLC0,Wind,Wind gust speed at 10 m above ground level,m/s, |
| 115 | +108,0,255,255,255,var,VAR_255_255_255_P0_L200_GLC0,Relative Humidity,Relative humidity with respect to precipitable water in model column,%, |
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