This repo contains a Polyglot demo application comprised of (presently) 6 microservices and 4 datastores.
The contents here are the necessary YAML files to deploy the ACMEFIT application in a kubernetes cluster.
This app is developed by team behind
This section covers the deployment of the datastore dependent microservices. It is recommended to deploy these services first.
Before deploying the cart datastore (Redis) and cart service please add a secret for the service to use in authenticating with the cache. Note: Please replace 'value' in the command below with the desired password text. Changing the name of the secret object or the 'password' key may cause deployment issues
kubectl create secret generic redis-pass --from-literal=password=<value>
Once the secret object is created, deploy the redis cache and cart service:
kubectl apply -f cart-redis-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f cart-total.yaml
Before deploying the catalog datastore (mongo) and catalog service please add a secret for the service to use in authenticating with the cache. Note: Please replace 'value' in the command below with the desired password text. Changing the name of the secret object or the 'password' key may cause deployment issues
kubectl create secret generic catalog-mongo-pass --from-literal=password=<value>
Run the following command to initialize the catalog database with items:
kubectl create -f catalog-db-initdb-configmap.yaml
Finally, deploy the mongo instance and catalog service:
kubectl apply -f catalog-db-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f catalog-total.yaml
The payment service does not have an associated datastore. It can be deployed with the following command:
kubectl apply -f payment-total.yaml
Before deploying the orders datastore (mongo) and order service please add a secret for the service to use in authenticating with the cache. Note: Please replace 'value' in the command below with the desired password text. Changing the name of the secret object or the 'password' key may cause deployment issues
Before running order please add the following secret:
kubectl create secret generic order-mongo-pass --from-literal=password=<value>
Once the secret object is created, deploy the mongo instance and order service:
kubectl apply -f order-db-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f order-total.yaml
Before deploying the users datastore (mongo) and users service please add a secret for the service to use in authenticating with the cache. Note: Please replace 'value' in the command below with the desired password text. Changing the name of the secret object or the 'password' key may cause deployment issues
Before running order please add the following secret:
kubectl create secret generic users-mongo-pass --from-literal=password=<value>
Next you need to run the following to initialize the database with an initial set of users:
kubectl create -f users-db-initdb-configmap.yaml
Once the secret object is created, and the users database is seeded, deploy the users database and users service:
kubectl apply -f users-db-total.yaml
kubectl apply -f users-total.yaml
NOTE: The base set of users is preconfigured. For now, please login as one of this set (eric, dwight, han, or phoebe). The password for these users is 'vmware1!'
The front end service also functions without an associated datastore. The manifests in this repository deploy the front end service as a NodePort type for testing purposes. If suitable for the deployment environment, the service type could be changed to 'LoadBalancer' in the frontend-total.yaml
manifest in this repository.
To deploy the front end service, run the following command:
kubectl apply -f frontend-total.yaml
To find the external port on which to access the site in browser, run the following command:
kubectl get services -l service=frontend
The output of the above command should be similar to this:
$ kubectl get services -l service=frontend
frontend NodePort <none> 3000:30430/TCP 3d
The external value appears under 'PORT(S)'. It is after the '3000:' and before the '/TCP' portion of the string. Appending it to the public address of the Kubernetes cluster (or loadbalancer fronting the cluster) to access the site.