Magick.NET version
Environment (Operating system, version and so on)
Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview(11.0.26040), x64
I use 14.5.0 to develop my software , One of my user report it Causing my soft crashes when it start up On his PC ,
it is my code when crash: ImageMagick.ResourceLimits.LimitMemory(new ImageMagick.Percentage(80))
Windows Event Viewer report: System.DllNotFoundException
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) - 14.42.34438 installed.
My user copy the old Magick.Native-Q16-x64.DLL ( to my soft directory instead of , it work fine.
Is the latest version of Magick.Native-Q16-x64.DLL missing any dependencies in Windows 11 ?
Or maybe I did something wrong ?
I tested the software on Windows 10 22h2 Pro and it worked fine.
Here are the details of the error message in Windows Event Viewer:
日志名称: Application
来源: .NET Runtime
日期: 2025/3/17 19:44:55
事件 ID: 1026
应用程序: xxxx.exe
Framework 版本: v4.0.30319
说明: 由于未经处理的异常,进程终止。
异常信息: System.DllNotFoundException
在 ImageMagick.Environment+NativeMethods+X64.Environment_Initialize()
在 ImageMagick.Environment.Initialize()
在 ImageMagick.ResourceLimits+NativeResourceLimits..cctor()
异常信息: System.TypeInitializationException
在 ImageMagick.ResourceLimits+NativeResourceLimits.LimitMemory(Double)
在 ImageMagick.ResourceLimits.LimitMemory(ImageMagick.Percentage)
在 MD.K()
在 tE.K()