You are migrating from an old forest to a new one. Your file shares already have permissions that point to users and groups in the old domain. Given that you arleady created new users in the new domain with the same SamAccountName, you can use this script to go through each file and replace existing Access Rules from the old domain with idenitical ones that point to the new domain.
The script requires cmdlets from the ActiveDirectory module.
For best performance, use local paths instead of network locations. However network file shares are supported.
Example 1 Display results in GridView (Does not work on Windows Core)
.\Replace-NTFSDomainACLs.ps1 -OldDomainName "OldDomain" -NewDomainName "NewDomain" -RootPath D:\FileShares\ExampleShare | Out-GridView
This will check the security permissions on each file under the root path, for each file where permissions are not inherited and the Access Rule belong to objects in OldDomain, the script will try to find a match with the same username in NewDomain. If a match is found, the script will add a new rule idenitical to the old one, and remove the OldDomain entry.
The results will be displayed in a Grid View.
Example 2 Save results as a CSV
.\Replace-NTFSDomainACLs.ps1 -OldDomainName "OldDomain" -NewDomainName "NewDomain" -RootPath D:\FileShares\ExampleShare -CSVLogPath C:\temp\example.csv
Same as the first example, additionally this will save the results in CSV file.
Example 3 Run from a server in the old domain
.\Replace-NTFSDomainACLs.ps1 -OldDomainName "OldDomain" -NewDomainName "NewDomain" -RootPath D:\FileShares\ExampleShare -NewDCFQDN "" | Out-GridView
By default the script queries the current domain, so if you running it from a server joined to the old domain you must specify the FQDN of a domain controller in the new domain.
Example 4 Skip specific users or groups from replacement
$Exceptions = "OldDomain\Username","OldDomain\Group Name"
.\Replace-NTFSDomainACLs.ps1 -OldDomainName "OldDomain" -NewDomainName "NewDomain" -RootPath D:\FileShares\ExampleShare -ExceptionList $Exceptions | Out-GridView
The script will not replace the permissions for any of the accounts in the $Exceptions variable. use comma separated strings.
Example 5 Include only specific accounts
$IncludeList = "OldDomain\Username","OldDomain\Group Name"
.\Replace-NTFSDomainACLs.ps1 -OldDomainName "OldDomain" -NewDomainName "NewDomain" -RootPath D:\FileShares\ExampleShare -IncludeList $Exceptions | Out-GridView
The script will only replace the accounts in the $IncludeList variable.
The Get-ACL and Set-ACL commands do not function if the file name is longer than 255 characters.
The script will show an error for paths longer than 255 characters. You can review the list by filtering the output and run the script again using one of the below workarounds,
Beginnig with Windows version 1607 it is possible to use the \\?\
prefix to handle file names longer than 255 characters.
- If you are targetting a local file use this format:
- If you are targetting a file share, use this format:
More info on this can be found here: Maximum Path Length Limitation
Use mapped drives to shorten the path.