Describe the bug
I have created a docker extension, currently the code is private. when I do
docker build -t secretscanner-docker-extension:latest .
and then
docker extension install secretscanner-docker-extension:latest
I am able to use the extension properly, ui is able to do
But, when I do
docker build -t deepfenceio/secretscanner-docker-extension:latest .
and then
docker extension install deepfence/secretscanner-docker-extension:latest
throws below error in console log
{name: 'Error', message: 'socket hang up', statusCode: undefined}
my docker compose yaml
version: '3'
container_name: deepfence-secret-scanner
image: deepfenceio/deepfence_secret_scanner_ce:latest
Add the steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
Describe the expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Optional: Add screenshots
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Output of docker extension version
Client Version: v0.2.9rsion
Server API Version: 0.2.3
Output of docker version
Client:er version
Cloud integration: v1.0.29
Version: 20.10.17
API version: 1.41
Go version: go1.17.11
Git commit: 100c701
Built: Mon Jun 6 23:04:45 2022
OS/Arch: darwin/amd64
Context: default
Experimental: true
Server: Docker Desktop 4.12.0 (85629)
Version: 20.10.17
API version: 1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.17.11
Git commit: a89b842
Built: Mon Jun 6 23:01:23 2022
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: true
Version: 1.6.8
GitCommit: 9cd3357b7fd7218e4aec3eae239db1f68a5a6ec6
Version: 1.1.4
GitCommit: v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d
Version: 0.19.0
GitCommit: de40ad0
Include the Diagnostics ID
(paste your output here)
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.