I have the documentation building correctly via Gulp. However, the options and formatterOptions that i pass in do not seem to affect anything.
My name and version do not get updated. This happens if i use the var objects made above the return call or if i just pass in the object directly into the function like in the return call.
However, The name and version do get updated if i change the name in the package.json file.
Here is my gulp task below:
gulp.task('docs', function() { var format = "html"; var options = { name: 'Best Web App', version: '4.5' } var formatterOptions = { name: 'Best Web App', version: '4.5' } return gulp.src(tscConfig.compilerOptions.outDir) .pipe(gulpDocumentation(format, options, { name: "woo", version: "4.5" })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./docs-html')) });