Steps to know, check, or redo.
Choose one for each category.
- Code editor: Vim, VS Code
- Terminal app: Warp, iTerm
- Version control: Git
- JavaScript runtime: Node.js
Choose one for each category.
- Email: Gmail, Skiff Mail
- Credential manager: Bitwarden, 1Password
- Repository: GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket
- Deployment: Vercel, Netlify, Render.com, Railway.app, Fly.io
- Secrets: Doppler, etc
Initialize or clone the repo. Preferably with SSH URL.
git clone [email protected]:dogokit/dogokit-beagle.git
Ignore some files.
Check for the dependencies.
Check the scripts for:
- App-related tasks
: Code check commandsfix:*
: Code fix commandsdb:*
: Database-related commands
npm install -g pnpm
pnpm install
Can also check the version updates with taze
pnpm taze
Config to enable some features for pnpm:
Formatter with various plugins.
Linter with various plugins.
Note that ESLint does not support ESM configuration at this time.
Also to enable tailwind
and postcss
Remove the site.webmanifest
file as in Remix it will be handled dynamically.
Use TinyPNG to compress the images.
Configure in Remix root.tsx
pnpm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
pnpm install -D @tailwindcss/typography @tailwindcss/forms tailwindcss-animate
No config necessary.
But if install the packages manually:
pnpm install @radix-ui/react-slot
Skip this if not prefer to use it.
Automatically setup Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, Radix UI, Class Variance Authority, clsx, Tailwind Merge, and more.
pnpx shadcn-ui@latest init
But if install the packages manually:
pnpm install class-variance-authority clsx tw-merge
Then follow the next installation steps. The components are configured in:
Then can install the UI component as needed:
pnpx shadcn-ui@latest add component-name
shadcn UI install Lucide React icons by default, which can be removed and replaced.
Use Iconify (@iconify/react
) to get any popular icons via Icônes.
Use Fontsource to install the font locally without using online-required Google Fonts.
pnpm install @fontsource-variable/font-name
# or
pnpm install @fontsource/font-name
docker compose up -d
For local development:
For production copy if needed:
pnpm db:push
pnpm db:reset
pnpm db:generate
pnpm db:seed
pnpm db:studio
pnpm db:docs
Some extra stuffs are below.
- Change workspace color
- Install recommended extensions
VS Code extension to generate configurable Remix code.