version of docx: "^9.2.0",
This is the code :
export const createQuotation = async (enquiry: Enquiry , userData : UserData , customer : Customer) => {
try {
// Load image dynamically from public folder
const imageUrl = "/images/doc/doc-header.png";
const response = await fetch(imageUrl);
const imageBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); // Convert image to ArrayBuffer
const formatedDate = new Date(enquiry.createdAt).toLocaleDateString(
day: "2-digit",
month: "2-digit",
year: "numeric",
const address = breakLineBy(customer.address, ",");
const totalDuration = enquiry.deliverables.reduce(
(acc, deliverable) => acc + (deliverable.hours ?? 0),
const totalAmount = enquiry.deliverables.reduce(
(acc, deliverable) => acc + (deliverable.costPerHour ?? 0) * (deliverable.hours ?? 0),
// Create document with header image
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text: `Kind Attn: ${}`,
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text: "Dear Sir,",
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titleAndValue("Inputs Required", enquiry.inputsRequired),
"Deliverables", =>
// scoper of work
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new Paragraph({
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tableCell("I", true),
tableCell(, false),
tableCell(`${totalDuration} hours`, false),
titleAndValue("Charges Included", enquiry.charges),
"GST will be applicable extra as per existing rules (if any). "
"Payment Mode",
"Direct transfer within Ten Working days from the date of invoice, in favor of SHIP TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL CONSULTANCY as mentioned below"
// bank details
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"Slight modifications if any can be incorporated without any additional charges. However major modifications or design changes if any will be charged extra. "
"Force Majeure",
"Will apply, especially with respect to the current pandemic situation."
"This offer is valid for a period of 5 days from today."
new PageBreak(),
// tankyou
new Paragraph({
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new Paragraph({
text : "Thanking you,"
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text : "Email: [email protected]",
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text : "Web: ",
// Generate DOCX file as a Blob (not nodebuffer)
const blob = await Packer.toBlob(doc);
// Create download link
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = url; = "quotation.docx";
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error creating DOCX file:", error);
throw error;