首先感谢作者提供如此好用的工具。我在VScode中用Markdown preview enhanced 来渲染markdown文件,这个插件提供了一个自定义的接口,用户可以自己定制环境并设置CSS样式。下面是 parser.js
// Please visit the URL below for more information:
onWillParseMarkdown: async function (markdown) {
// Define the regex to match the environments and references
let environments = [
{ name: 'theorem', label: '#theorem:', color: '#ff8618', shape: '♥' },
{ name: 'postulate', label: '#postulate:', color: '#ff8618', shape: '♥' },
{ name: 'axiom', label: '#axiom:', color: '#ff8618', shape: '♥' },
{ name: 'assumption', label: '#assumption:', color: '#ff8618', shape: '♥' },
{ name: 'lemma', label: '#lemma:', color: '#ff8618', shape: '♥' },
{ name: 'corollary', label: '#corollary:', color: '#ff8618', shape: '♥' },
{ name: 'definition', label: '#definition:', color: '#4CAF50', shape: '♣' },
{ name: 'proposition', label: '#proposition:', color: '#00aef7', shape: '♠' }
// Construct a regex pattern to match only the labels in the environments array
let labels = => env.label.slice(1, -1)).join('|');
let refRegex = new RegExp(`@(${labels}):(\\w*)`, 'g');
// Store references and their numbers
let references = {};
let counts = {};
environments.forEach(env => {
counts[] = 0;
// First pass: Assign numbers to each environment
environments.forEach(env => {
let regex = new RegExp(`::: ${}\\s*(\\{${env.label}(.*?)\\})?\\n([\\s\\S]*?)\\n:::\\n`, 'g');
markdown = markdown.replace(regex, function (match, id, key, body) {
let number = `${ +} ${counts[]}`;
if (key) {
references[`@${env.label.slice(1)}${key}`] = number;
return match.replace(new RegExp(`::: ${}\\s*(\\{${env.label}(.*?)\\})?`), `::: ${number}`);
markdown = markdown.replace(refRegex, function (match, id, key) {
let reference = references[`@${id}:${key}`] || match;
return `<span style="color: #3c71b7;">${reference}</span>`;
// Replace each environment with the appropriate HTML structure
environments.forEach(env => {
let regex = new RegExp(`::: ${ +}\\s*(\\d+)\\n([\\s\\S]*?)\\n:::\\n`, 'g');
markdown = markdown.replace(regex, function (match, key, body) {
// Trim the body to remove any leading/trailing whitespace
body = body.trim();
let idd = `${ +} ${key}`;
// Function to find the key by value in the references object
function getKeyByValue(object, value) {
return Object.keys(object).find(key => object[key] === value);
// Find the key that matches the value 'Lemma 1'
let key1 = getKeyByValue(references, idd);
// Construct id_initial using the found key
let id_initial = `${key1.slice(1)}`;
// Return the HTML structure
return "<div style=\"position: relative; border: 2px solid" + env.color + "; background-color: #f9f9f9; padding: 15px; margin: 20px 0; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); border-radius: 8px;\"><div style=\"position: absolute; top: -0.85em; left: 15px; background-color:" + env.color + "; padding: 0 5px; font-weight: bold; color: #f9f9f9; border: 2px solid" + env.color + ";\">" + "<span id=" + id_initial + ">" + + + " " + key + "</span >" + "</div><div style=\"font-style: italic; margin-top: 0.7em;\">" + body + "</div><div style=\"position: absolute; bottom: 10px; right: 10px; text-align: right; font-size: 20px; color:" + env.color + "; margin-top: 1px;\">" + env.shape + "</div></div>";
// Return the modified markdown content
return markdown;
onDidParseMarkdown: async function (html) {
return html;
// for environment:
::: theorem {#theorem:fisher_theorem}
Theorem body
// for reference:
see [@theorem:fisher_theorem](#theorem:fisher_theorem)