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I Need Get/Set A Type Not byte[]
Describe the solution you'd like
private readonly IDistributedCache<Person> _genricCache;
private readonly IDistributedCache _cache;
public async Task Test()
Person person = await _genricCache.GetAsync(key);
Person person = await _cache.GetAsync<Person>(key);
@Rick-Anderson edit: Integrated issue
Document Details
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- ID: 0d01025d-86b2-bb2d-86c1-ef0695bc98e3
- Version Independent ID: 5b9a6572-3671-0d54-b2ef-83d04f8b3e96
- Content: Distributed caching in ASP.NET Core
- Content Source: aspnetcore/performance/caching/
- Product: aspnet-core
- Technology: aspnetcore-performance
- GitHub Login: @guardrex
- Microsoft Alias: riande