This sample:
Produces build warnings:
obj\Debug\net6.0-android\aidl\IAdditionService.cs(38,27): warning CS8765: Nullability of type of parameter 'reply' doesn't match overridden member (possibly because of nullability attributes).
Line is:
protected override bool OnTransact (int code, global::Android.OS.Parcel data, global::Android.OS.Parcel reply, int flags)
obj\Debug\net6.0-android\aidl\IAdditionService.cs(26,12): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
obj\Debug\net6.0-android\aidl\IAdditionService.cs(27,14): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type.
Lines are:
public static Com.Xamarin.Aidldemo.IAdditionService AsInterface (global::Android.OS.IBinder obj)
if (obj == null)
return null;