Issue moved from dotnet/maui#9766
- Please respond to @frauenholz.
From @frauenholz on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 3:36:57 AM
When proper, the UpdateIdValues() method has about 59 statements (see Resource.designer - UpdateIdValues() proper.cs)
Something is causing the Android Resource.designer.cs file's UpdateIdValues() method to have 6000+ statements, the majority of which are assignment to const's, thus producing approx 6000+ compiler errors (see Resource.designer - UpdateIdValues() constAssigns.cs)
an example is the line:
global::MauiLib1.Resource.Animation.abc_tooltip_enter = global::MauiApp1.Resource.Animation.abc_tooltip_enter;;
where the target of the assignment is declared as:
public const int abc_tooltip_enter = 2130771978;
it is likely (but not certain) that this is related to when a MAUI app project references a MAUI library project, I am trying to pin it down