I'm relatively new to EF Core, so I might be missing something obvious, but it seems that with the DatabaseMigrations sample, reverting to a previous state after a migration has already been applied isn't straightforward.
In the README, it states:
To remove the unapplied migration, you need to run dotnet ef migrations remove --force. The --force switch tells the tool to avoid connecting to the database.
Without the --force switch, you encounter the error: "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized."
The same issue occurs when using dotnet ef database update <old-migration>
, and with update, a --force doesn't exist and wouldn't make sense.
What would you recommend as the best way to revert back to a previous migration?
Would it be better to create SQL scripts, execute them manually for the desired migration, and then delete the migrations that come after the target one?
Is there a simple way to configure the ConnectionString for such purposes?