I'm using 'DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder' to spin up aspire to run some e2e tests on my Blazor Web project (which uses wasm client side components).
In normal debugging of this project from visual studio, the Aspire dashboard will open as well as a separate browser window to debug the Blazor Web project (presumably this is some special instance that visual studio can attach it's web assembly debugging to). This was something that was fixed a while ago as for quite a while you couldn't debug Blazor wasm launched from Aspire.
When debugging my e2e Playwright/Specflow/nUnit tests from visual studio, it doesn't open the Aspire dashboard as you'd expect, but it opens a browser that's trying to attach to the Blazor Web project, which initially just stays blank.
The AppHost from DistributedApplicationTestingBuilder seems to spin up things on random ports rather than the one's assigned, so I guess that's why it stays blank, the site isn't there on the port it's expecting. Are these random ports the expected behavior? I don't seem to be able to specify them even if I define the endpoint in the aspire project.
You can debug for a while, but eventually this timeout error occurs:
When it does, it closes the blank browser which terminates debugging, making it hard to troubleshoot e2e tests.
So the primary issue is: Is it possible for VS not to try and launch/attach this browser specifically when it's debugging tests?
In the longer term, is there a tidier way for VS to attach web assembly debugging without needing to launch this special instance, i.e. attach to tabs/windows opened from the aspire dashboard? It is convenient it opening on debugging, but inconsistent with other projects like blazor server.