The default integration test template calls ConfigureHttpClientDefaults
with AddStandardResilienceHandler
This however produces a lot of noise in 9.0 with the built in health checks this ends up producing a lot of number of distracting messages in the test host. e.g.
info: Polly[3]
Execution attempt. Source: '-standard//Standard-Retry', Operation Key: '', Result: '200', Handled: 'False', Attempt: '0', Execution Time: 1061.2159ms
Are these resiliency headers still a good recommendation for tests in 9.0? In 8.x before healthchecks & readiness, request resiliency was highly needed to make sure the apps had started up properly, but with 9.0's health check support is that still necessary? (Particularly if the sample tests replace WaitForResourceAsync
with WaitForResourceHealthyAsync