This is the API proposal related to Epic: IDistributedCache updates in .NET 9
Hybrid Cache specification
Hybrid Cache is a new API designed to build on top of the existing Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache
API, to fill multiple functional gaps in the usability of the IDistributedCache
- stampede protection
- simple pass-thru API usage (i.e. a single method replaces multiple discrete steps required with the old API)
- multi-tier (in-process plus backend) caching
- configurable serialization
- tag-based eviction
- metrics
The primary API is a new abstract
class, HybridCache
, in a new Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed;
public abstract class HybridCache
{ /* more detail below */ }
This type acts as the primary API that users will interact with for caching using this feature, replacing IDistributedCache
(which now becomes a backend API); the purpose of HybridCache
is to encapsulate the state required to implement new functionality. This required additional state means that the feature cannot be implemented simply as extension methods
on top of IDistributedCache
- for example for stampede protection we need to track a bucket of in-flight operations so that we can join existing backend operations. Every feature listed
(except perhaps for the pass-thru API usage) requires some state or additional service.
Microsoft will provide a concrete implementation of HybridCache
via dependency injection, but it is explicitly intended that the API can be implemented independently if desired.
Why "Hybrid Cache"?
This name seems to capture the multiple roles being fulfilled by the cache implementation. A number of otions have been considered, including "read thru cache",
"advanced cache", "distributed cache 2"; this seems to work, though.
Why not IHybridCache
- the primary pass-thru API (discussed below) exists in a dual "stateful"/"stateless" mode, with it being possible to reliably and automatically implement one via the other;
providing this at the definition level halves this aspect of the API surface for concrete implementations, providing a consistent experince - it is anticipated that additional future capabilities will be desired on this API; if we limit this as
it is harder to extend than with an abstract base class that
can implement features with default implementations that implementors canoverride
as desired
It is noted that in both cases, "default interface methods", also serve this function; if provide a mechanism to achieve this same goal with an IHybridCache
If we feel that "default interface methods" are now fully greenlit for this scenario, we could indeed use an IHybridCache
Registering and configuring HybridCache
Registering hybrid cache is performed by HybridCacheServiceExtensions
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
public static class HybridCacheServiceExtensions
// adds HybridCache using default options
public static IHybridCacheBuilder AddHybridCache(this IServiceCollection services);
// adds HybridCache using custom options
public static IHybridCacheBuilder AddHybridCache(this IServiceCollection services, Action<HybridCacheOptions> configureOptions);
// adds TImplementation via DI as the serializer for T
public static IHybridCacheBuilder WithSerializer<T, [DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] TImplementation>(
this IHybridCacheBuilder builder)
where TImplementation : class, IHybridCacheSerializer<T>;
// adds a concrete custom serializer for a given type
public static IHybridCacheBuilder WithSerializer<T>(this IHybridCacheBuilder builder, IHybridCacheSerializer<T> serializer);
// adds T via DI as a serializer factory
public static IHybridCacheBuilder WithSerializerFactory<[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.PublicConstructors)] TImplementation>(
this IHybridCacheBuilder builder)
where TImplementation : class, IHybridCacheSerializerFactory;
// adds a concrete custom serializer factory
public static IHybridCacheBuilder WithSerializerFactory(this IHybridCacheBuilder builder, IHybridCacheSerializerFactory factory);
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed;
public interface IHybridCacheBuilder
IServiceCollection Services { get; }
public interface IHybridCacheSerializer<T>
T Deserialize(ReadOnlySequence<byte> source);
void Serialize(T value, IBufferWriter<byte> target);
public interface IHybridCacheSerializerFactory
bool TryCreateSerializer<T>([NotNullWhen(true)] out IHybridCacheSerializer<T>? serializer);
public class HybridCacheOptions
// default expiration etc configuration, if omitted
public HybridCacheEntryOptions? DefaultOptions { get; set; }
// quotas
public long MaximumPayloadBytes { get; set; } = 1 << 20; // 1MiB
public int MaximumKeyLength { get; set; } = 1024; // characters
// whether compression is enabled
public bool AllowCompression { get; set; } = true;
// opt-in support for using "tags" as dimensions on metric reporting; this is opt-in
// because "tags" could contain user data, which we do not want to expose by default
public bool ReportTagMetrics { get; set; }
public class HybridCacheEntryOptions
{ /* more detail below */ }
where IHybridCacheBuilder
here functions purely as a wrapper (via .Services
) to provide contextual API services to configure related services such as serialization,
for API discoverability, for example making it trivial to configure serialization, rather than having to magically know about the existence of specific services that
can be added to influence behaviour. The return value is the same input services collection, for chaining purposes.
The HybridCacheOptions
provides additional global options for the cache, including payload max quota and a default cache configuration (primarily: lifetime).
The user will often also wish to register an out-of-process IDistributedCache
backend (Redis, SQL Server, etc) in the usual manner, as
discussed here. Note that this is not required; it is anticipated that simply having
the L1 cache with stampede protection against the backend provides compelling value. Options specific to the chosen IDistributedCache
backend will
be configured as part of that IDistributedCache
registration, and are not considered here.
Using HybridCache
The HybridCache
instance will be dependency-injected into code that requires them; from there, the primary API is GetOrCreateAsync
which provides
a stateless and stateful overload pair:
public abstract class HybridCache
protected HybridCache() { }
public abstract ValueTask<T> GetOrCreateAsync<TState, T>(string key, TState state, Func<TState, CancellationToken, ValueTask<T>> callback,
HybridCacheEntryOptions? options = null, ReadOnlyMemory<string> tags = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
public virtual ValueTask<T> GetOrCreateAsync<T>(string key, Func<CancellationToken, ValueTask<T>> callback,
HybridCacheEntryOptions? options = null, ReadOnlyMemory<string> tags = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
=> // default implemention provided automatically via GetOrCreateAsync<TState, T>
// ...
It should be noted that all APIs are designed as async
, with ValueTask<T>
used to respect that values may be available
synchronously (in the cache-hit case); however, the fact that we're caching means we can reasonably assume this operation
will be non-trivial, and possibly one or both of an an out-of-process backend store call (with non-trivial payload) and an underlying data fetch (with non-trivial total time); async
is strongly desirable.
The simplest use-case is the stateless option, typically used with a lambda callback using "captured" state, for example:
public MyConsumerCode(HybridCache cache)
public async Task<Customer> GetCustomer(Region region, int id)
=> cache.GetOrCreateAsync($"/customer/{region}/{id}", async _ => await SomeExternalBackend.GetAsync(region, id));
The GetOrCreateAsync
name is chosen for parity with IMemoryCache
; it
takes a string
key, and a callback that is used to fetch the underlying data if it is not available in any other cache. In some high throughput scenarios, it may be
preferable to avoid this capture overhead using a static
callback and the stateful overload:
public MyConsumerCode(HybridCache cache)
public async Task<Customer> GetCustomer(Region region, int id)
=> cache.GetOrCreateAsync($"/customer/{region}/{id}", static (region, id) async (_, state) => await SomeExternalBackend.GetAsync(state.region,;
Optionally, this API allows:
, controlling the duration of the cache entry (see below)- zero, one or more "tags", which work similarly to the "tags" feature of "Output Cache"
- cancellation
For the options, timeout is only described in relative terms:
public sealed class HybridCacheEntryOptions
public HybridCacheEntryOptions(TimeSpan expiry, TimeSpan? localCacheExpiry = null, HybridCacheEntryFlags flags = 0);
public TimeSpan Expiry { get; } // overall cache duration
/// <summary>
/// Cache duration in local cache; when retrieving a cached value
/// from an external cache store, this value will be used to calculate the local
/// cache expiration, not exceeding the remaining overall cache lifetime
/// </summary>
public TimeSpan LocalCacheExpiry { get; } // TTL in L1
public HybridCacheEntryFlags Flags { get; }
public enum HybridCacheEntryFlags
None = 0,
DisableLocalCache = 1 << 0,
DisableDistributedCache = 1 << 1,
DisableCompression = 1 << 2,
The Flags
also allow features such as specific caching tiers or compression to be electively disabled on a per-scenario basis. It will directed that
entry options should usually be shared (static readonly
) and reused on a per-scenario basis. To this end, the type is immutable. If no options
is supplied,
the default from HybridCacheOptions
is used; this has an implied "reasonable" default timeout (low minutes, probably) in the eventuality that none is specified.
In many cases, GetOrCreateAsync
is the only API needed, but additionally, HybridCache
has auxiliary APIs:
public abstract ValueTask<HybridCacheEntry<T>?> GetAsync<T>(string key, HybridCacheEntryOptions? options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
public abstract ValueTask SetAsync<T>(string key, T value, HybridCacheEntryOptions? options = null, ReadOnlyMemory<string> tags = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
public abstract ValueTask RemoveKeyAsync(string key, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
public virtual ValueTask RemoveKeysAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<string> keys, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) // implemented via RemoveKeyAsync
public virtual ValueTask RemoveTagAsync(string tag, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) // implemented via RemoveTags
public abstract ValueTask RemoveTagsAsync(ReadOnlyMemory<string> tags, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// ...
public sealed class HybridCacheEntry<T>
public T Value { get; set; } = default!;
public ReadOnlyMemory<string> Tags { get; set; }
public DateTime Expiry { get; set; } // absolute time of expiry
public DateTime LocalExpiry { get; set; } // absolute time of L1 expiry
These APIs provide for explicit manual fetch/assignment, and for explicit invalidation at the key
or tag
The HybridCacheEntry
type is used only to encapsulate return state for GetAsync
; a null
response indicates
a cache-miss.
Backend services
actually needs to go into the "runtime" repo (to sit alongsideIDistributedCache
, and avoid a framework reference); it is included here as a placeholder, but this part is actually over hereHOWEVER, timescales mean that "runtime" is likely to lag behind "", in which case in order to allow
further development etc ASAP, I propose "ship it in for now; when it gets into runtime, remove it from"
To provide the enhanced capabilities, some new additional services are required; IDistributedCache
has both performance and feature limitations that make it incomplete for this purpose. For
out-of-process caches, the byte[]
nature of IDistributedCache
makes for allocation concerns, so a new API is optionally supported, based on similar work for Output Cache; however, the system functions without demanding it and all
pre-existing IDistributedCache
implementations will continue to work. The system will type-test for the new capability:
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed;
public interface IBufferDistributedCache : IDistributedCache
bool TryGet(string key, IBufferWriter<byte> destination);
ValueTask<bool> TryGetAsync(string key, IBufferWriter<byte> destination, CancellationToken token = default);
void Set(string key, ReadOnlySequence<byte> value, DistributedCacheEntryOptions options);
ValueTask SetAsync(string key, ReadOnlySequence<byte> value, DistributedCacheEntryOptions options, CancellationToken token = default);
If the IDistributedCache
service injected also implements this optional API, these buffer-based overloads will be used in preference to the byte[]
API. We will absorb the work
to implement this API efficiently in the Redis implementation, and advice on others.
This feature has been prototyped using a FASTER backend cache implementation; it works very well:
| Method | KeyLength | PayloadLength | Mean | Error | StdDev | Gen0 | Gen1 | Allocated |
|---------------------- |---------- |-------------- |------------:|------------:|------------:|-------:|-------:|----------:|
| FASTER_Get | 128 | 10240 | 576.0 ns | 9.79 ns | 5.83 ns | 0.6123 | - | 10264 B |
| FASTER_Set | 128 | 10240 | 882.0 ns | 23.99 ns | 22.44 ns | 0.6123 | - | 10264 B |
| FASTER_GetAsync | 128 | 10240 | 657.6 ns | 16.96 ns | 14.16 ns | 0.6189 | - | 10360 B |
| FASTER_SetAsync | 128 | 10240 | 1,094.7 ns | 55.15 ns | 51.58 ns | 0.6123 | - | 10264 B |
| | | | | | | | | |
| FASTER_GetBuffer | 128 | 10240 | 366.1 ns | 6.22 ns | 5.20 ns | - | - | - |
| FASTER_SetBuffer | 128 | 10240 | 495.4 ns | 7.11 ns | 2.54 ns | - | - | - |
| FASTER_GetAsyncBuffer | 128 | 10240 | 387.9 ns | 7.60 ns | 1.97 ns | 0.0014 | - | 24 B |
| FASTER_SetAsyncBuffer | 128 | 10240 | 649.9 ns | 12.70 ns | 11.88 ns | - | - | - |
(the top half of the table uses IDistributedCache
; the bottom half uses IBufferDistributedCache
, and assumes the caller will utilize pooling etc, which hybrid cache: will)
Similarly, invalidation (at the key
and tag
level) will be implemented via an optional auxiliary service; however this API is still in design and is not discussed here.
It is anticipated that cache hit/miss/etc usage metrics will be reported via normal profiling APIs. By default this
will be global, but by enabling HybridCacheOptions.ReportTagMetrics
, per-tag reporting will be enabled.
Serializer configuration
By default, the system will "just work", with defaults:
will be treated as UTF-8 bytesbyte[]
will be treated as raw bytes- any other type will be serialized with
, as a reasonable in-box experience
However, it is important to be able to configure other serializers. Towards this, two serialization APIs are proposed:
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed;
public interface IHybridCacheSerializerFactory
bool TryCreateSerializer<T>([NotNullWhen(true)] out IHybridCacheSerializer<T>? serializer);
public interface IHybridCacheSerializer<T>
T Deserialize(ReadOnlySequence<byte> source);
void Serialize(T value, IBufferWriter<byte> target);
With this API, serializers can be configured at both granular and coarse levels using the WithSerializer
and WithSerializerFactory
APIs at registration;
for any T
, if a IHybridCacheSerializer<T>
is known, it will be used as the serializer. Otherwise, the set of IHybridCacheSerializerFactory
will be enumerated; the last (i.e. most recently added/overridden) factory that returns true
and provides a serializer
: wins (this value may be cached),
with that serializer
being used. This allows, for example, a protobuf-net serializer implementation to detect types marked [ProtoContract]
, or
the use of Newtonsoft.Json
to replace System.Text.Json
Binary payload implementation
The payload sent to IDistributedCache
is not simply the raw buffer data; it also contains header metadata, to include:
- a version signifier (for safety with future data changes); in the case of
: - the key (used to guard against confusion attacks, i.e. non-equal keys that are equated by the cache implementation)
- the time (in absolute terms) that the entry was created
- the time (in absolute terms) that the entry expires
- the tags (if any) associated with the entry
- whether the payload is compressed
- payload length (for validation purposes)
- (followed by the payload)
All times are managed via TimeProvider
. Upon fetching an entry from the cache, the expiration is compared using the current time;
expired entries are discarded as though they had not been received (this avoids a problem with time skew between in-process
and out-of-process stores, although out-of-process stores are still free to actively expire items).
Separately, the system maintains a cache of known tags and their last-invalidation-time (in absolute terms); if a cache entry has any tag that has a
last-invalidation-time after the creation time of the cache entry, then it is discarded as though it had not been received. This
effectively implements "tag" expiration without requiring that a backend is itself capable of categorized/"tagged" deletes (this feature is
not efficient or effective to implement in Redis, for example).
Additional implementation notes and assumptions
- Valid keys and tags are always non-
null``, non-empty
string` values - Cache entries have maximum key and payload lengths that are enforced with reasonable (but configurable) defaults
- The header and payload are treated as an opaque BLOB for the purposes of
- Due the the header and possible compression, it should not be assumed that the value is inspectable in storage
- The key/value will be inserted/updated/deleted as an atomic operation ("torn" values are not considered, although the payload length in the header will be verified
with mismatches logged and the entry discarded) - There is no "type" metadata associated with a cache entry; the caller must know and specify (via the
) what they are requesting; if this is incorrect for
the received data, an error may occur
- The backend store is treated as trusted, and it is assumed that any/all required authentication, encryption, etc requirements are controlled by the
registration, and the backend store is secure from tampering and exfiltration. Specifically: the data will not be additionally encrypted - The backend store must be capable of servicing queries, inserts, updates and deletes
- Multi-node concurrency against the same backend store is assumed as a key scenario
- External systems might insert/update/delete against the same backend store; if data outside the expected form is encountered, it will be logged and discarded
- It is assumed that keys and tags cannot be aliased in the backend store;
are separate;a-b
are separate, etc; if the data retrieved
has a non-matchingkey
, it will be logged and discarded - Keys and tags will be well-formed Unicode
- In the L1 in-process cache, the system will assume control of the
comparer and will apply safe logic; it will not be possible to specify a custom comparer - It is assumed that keys and tags may contain untrusted user-provided tokens; backend implementations will use appropriate mechanisms to handle these values
- It is assumed that the backend storage will be lossless vs the stored data; payload length will be validated with mismatches logged and the entry discarded
- It is assumed that inserting / modifying / retrieving / deleting an entry in the backing store takes, at worst, amortized O((n ln n) + m) time,
where n := number of chars in the key and m := number of bytes in the value - the specific contents of the BLOB that gets stored via
is not explicitly documented (it is an implementation detail), and should be treated as an opaque BLOB - the keys, tags and payloads are not encrypted and may be inspectable by an actor with unrestricted access to the backend store
- keys are not isolated by type; if a caller attempts to use
(different types) with the same cache key: the behaviour is undefined (it may or may not error, depending on the serializer and type compatibility); likewise, if a type is heavily refactored (i.e. in a way that impacts serializer compatibility) without changing the cache key: the behaviour is undefined