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Issues: dotnet/aspnetcore

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[release/2.1] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI does not build correctly affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-identity Includes: Identity and providers area-infrastructure Includes: MSBuild projects/targets, build scripts, CI, Installers and shared framework bug This issue describes a behavior which is not expected - a bug. investigate severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#30503 opened Feb 26, 2021 by wtgodbe 2.1.x
Consider using C#9 Source Generators for implementing SetParametersAsync affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-component-model Any feature that affects the component model for Blazor (Parameters, Rendering, Lifecycle, etc) feature-rendering Features dealing with how blazor renders components Pillar: Technical Debt Priority:1 Work that is critical for the release, but we could probably ship without severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#29550 opened Jan 22, 2021 by ChristianWeyer Backlog
Standardized diagnostics for any ASP.NET Core app affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-platform Deprecated: Cross-cutting issues related to ASP.NET Core as a platform severity-nice-to-have This label is used by an internal tool Theme: inner-loop
#27280 opened Oct 27, 2020 by mkArtakMSFT Backlog
Hot Restart for ASP.NET Core during inner-loop affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one Epic Groups multiple user stories. Can be grouped under a theme. feature-platform Deprecated: Cross-cutting issues related to ASP.NET Core as a platform Priority:1 Work that is critical for the release, but we could probably ship without severity-major This label is used by an internal tool Theme: inner-loop
#27270 opened Oct 27, 2020 by mkArtakMSFT Backlog
Blazor Wasm: Virtualize component making 3 initial calls to ItemsProvider instead of 1 affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-virtualization This issue is related to the Blazor Virtualize component Perf Pillar: Technical Debt Priority:2 Work that is important, but not critical for the release severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#27065 opened Oct 20, 2020 by bancroftway Backlog
When prerendering, emit culture name and use it on WebAssembly side affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-boot-up feature-localization feature-prerendering Issues related to prerendering blazor components Pillar: Technical Debt Priority:1 Work that is critical for the release, but we could probably ship without severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#26941 opened Oct 15, 2020 by SteveSandersonMS Backlog
Built-in support for client-side decompression of precompressed resources affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-boot-up feature-blazor-wasm This issue is related to and / or impacts Blazor WebAssembly feature-templates Pillar: Dev Experience Priority:2 Work that is important, but not critical for the release severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#26091 opened Sep 19, 2020 by mrpmorris Backlog
Support /.well-known/change-password url for changing passwords affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-identity Includes: Identity and providers enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool triaged
#25556 opened Sep 3, 2020 by benaadams Backlog
Review the migration from webapi docs on affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-mvc Includes: MVC, Actions and Controllers, Localization, CORS, most templates Docs This issue tracks updating documentation enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one migration Indicates that the associated issue is related to migration from older version of the framework net8_docathon This issue is part of the documentation push in Fall 2023. severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#25464 opened Aug 31, 2020 by pranavkm
2 tasks
Blazor WASM: RemoteAuthenticatorViewCore prevents use of ApplicationPaths.RemoteRegisterPath affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-wasm This issue is related to and / or impacts Blazor WebAssembly feature-blazor-wasm-auth Pillar: Cloud Integration severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool triaged
#25153 opened Aug 22, 2020 by hallidev Backlog
SignalR connections are shutdown directly during graceful shutdowns affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-signalr Includes: SignalR clients and servers enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one Needs: Design This issue requires design work before implementating. Priority:1 Work that is critical for the release, but we could probably ship without severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#25069 opened Aug 20, 2020 by WJRovers Backlog
Improve async support on the startup path affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-hosting Includes Hosting area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one Needs: Design This issue requires design work before implementating. severity-major This label is used by an internal tool
#24142 opened Jul 21, 2020 by davidfowl Backlog
Provide clearer console output when running an ASP.NET Core app affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-hosting Includes Hosting area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions breaking-change This issue / pr will introduce a breaking change, when resolved / merged. enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one Needs: Design This issue requires design work before implementating. severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#23601 opened Jul 2, 2020 by danroth27 Backlog
RedirectToAction() makes the link to HttpPost action instead of GET affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-mvc Includes: MVC, Actions and Controllers, Localization, CORS, most templates bug This issue describes a behavior which is not expected - a bug. feature-routing severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#23089 opened Jun 18, 2020 by IgorXq Backlog
Obsolete WebHostBuilder affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-hosting Includes Hosting Docs This issue tracks updating documentation enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#20964 opened Apr 17, 2020 by Tratcher Backlog
Cannot pass through directive attributes, so components can't support @on{EVENT}:stopPropagation etc. affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-component-model Any feature that affects the component model for Blazor (Parameters, Rendering, Lifecycle, etc) feature-rendering Features dealing with how blazor renders components severity-major This label is used by an internal tool
#20560 opened Apr 5, 2020 by rpedretti Backlog
2FA Recovery Code login doesn't have lockout affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-identity Includes: Identity and providers enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#17184 opened Nov 17, 2019 by kanadaj Backlog
SignalR sends incomplete JSON in socket frames when using new System.Text.Json Serializer affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers api-suggestion Early API idea and discussion, it is NOT ready for implementation area-signalr Includes: SignalR clients and servers enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#13651 opened Sep 3, 2019 by BrennanConroy Backlog
Make model binding robust against client disconnects affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-mvc Includes: MVC, Actions and Controllers, Localization, CORS, most templates enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-model-binding severity-major This label is used by an internal tool
#13333 opened Aug 22, 2019 by stap123 Backlog
SigninManager.ExternalLoginSignInAsync(...) Does Not Store Authentication-Tokens affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-identity Includes: Identity and providers enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#12047 opened Jul 10, 2019 by warappa Backlog
[Discussion] Async suffix for controller action names will be trimmed by default affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-mvc Includes: MVC, Actions and Controllers, Localization, CORS, most templates enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-mvc-application-model Features related to MVC application model, discovery, application parts severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#8998 opened Apr 2, 2019 by pranavkm Backlog
Review VS Item Templates for ASP.NET Core items in VS affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-mvc Includes: MVC, Actions and Controllers, Localization, CORS, most templates enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-templates severity-nice-to-have This label is used by an internal tool
#8531 opened Mar 14, 2019 by DamianEdwards Backlog
Default Values for IdentityUser affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-identity Includes: Identity and providers enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-nice-to-have This label is used by an internal tool triaged
#5823 opened Oct 1, 2018 by davidrevoledo Backlog
Improve automated browser testing with real server affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-mvc Includes: MVC, Actions and Controllers, Localization, CORS, most templates enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-mvc-testing MVC testing package severity-major This label is used by an internal tool
#4892 opened May 23, 2018 by danroth27 Backlog
Consider moving to a per login factor secret for TFA affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-identity Includes: Identity and providers enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-major This label is used by an internal tool triaged
#5772 opened Mar 27, 2018 by HaoK Backlog
ProTip! Updated in the last three days: updated:>2025-03-15.