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Issues: dotnet/aspnetcore

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Race Condition in SQL Server Distributed Cache with Transactional Operations area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#60923 opened Mar 14, 2025 by RexMagi
1 task done
[release/9.0] Caching SERedis critical bugfix; defer HC metadata detection because of DI cycle area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches pending-ci-rerun When assigned to a PR indicates that the CI checks should be rerun Servicing-consider Shiproom approval is required for the issue
#60916 opened Mar 13, 2025 by github-actions bot Loading…
4 of 11 tasks
Fix race condition in RedisCache when setting key expiration area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions bug This issue describes a behavior which is not expected - a bug. community-contribution Indicates that the PR has been added by a community member feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches pending-ci-rerun When assigned to a PR indicates that the CI checks should be rerun
#59212 opened Nov 28, 2024 by CaringDev Loading…
Items with configured expiration stored in IDistributedCache (using RedisCache) end up non-expiring in Redis area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches Needs: Attention 👋 This issue needs the attention of a contributor, typically because the OP has provided an update. Needs: Repro Indicates that the team needs a repro project to continue the investigation on this issue
#59211 opened Nov 28, 2024 by CaringDev
1 task done
Sliding expiry for hybrid cache area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#56754 opened Jul 12, 2024 by broline
DistributedCache : ForceReconnect does not work correctly with ConnectionMultiplexerFactory area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#55898 opened May 27, 2024 by FPierrel
1 task done
New Project Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Garnet area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#55593 opened May 8, 2024 by YataoFeng
1 task done
HybridCache - tags and invalidation api-suggestion Early API idea and discussion, it is NOT ready for implementation area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions design-proposal This issue represents a design proposal for a different issue, linked in the description feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#55308 opened Apr 23, 2024 by mgravell
SQL Server distributed cache backend should perform "slide" UPDATE lazily area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#55109 opened Apr 13, 2024 by mgravell
1 task done
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session.DistributedSession Session cache read exception area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches question
#54460 opened Mar 9, 2024 by aveeraldsinha
1 task done
OutputCache configuration - policy validation api-approved API was approved in API review, it can be implemented area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#52419 opened Nov 28, 2023 by witskeeper
Add additional strategy to use transactions instead of scripts in StackExchange.Redis implementation area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#51874 opened Nov 4, 2023 by cfgiugliano
1 task done
Accept-Ranges should not be returned when output caching is used area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches feature-output-caching
#45999 opened Jan 10, 2023 by jonpayne
1 task done
Output caching should always vary by Accept-Encoding area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches feature-output-caching
#45998 opened Jan 10, 2023 by jonpayne
1 task done
Allow response caching cache to log api-suggestion Early API idea and discussion, it is NOT ready for implementation area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#39300 opened Jan 4, 2022 by benmccallum Backlog
Add configuration option to RedisCache to allow read-only access area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches help candidate Indicates that the issues may be a good fit for community to help with. Requires work from eng. team
#38046 opened Nov 3, 2021 by beatrichartz Backlog
Consider writing an analyzer that produces warnings when using sync APIs on IDistributedCache analyzer Indicates an issue which is related to analyzer experience area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#37991 opened Nov 1, 2021 by pranavkm Backlog
Performance Improvements for Redis cache area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#32857 opened May 19, 2021 by davidvedvick Backlog
Add ability to leverage StackExchange.Redis.CommandFlags via IDistributedCache or IDistributedRedisCache (new) area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches help candidate Indicates that the issues may be a good fit for community to help with. Requires work from eng. team Needs: Design This issue requires design work before implementating.
#41948 opened Feb 5, 2021 by udlose Backlog
SQL Server Distributed Cache Extensions suffering significant performance issues area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches help candidate Indicates that the issues may be a good fit for community to help with. Requires work from eng. team
#28366 opened Nov 19, 2020 by markholst Backlog
.Caching.StackExchangeRedis Sentinel support area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches investigate
#28367 opened Oct 13, 2020 by FWest98 Backlog
IOptions<RedisCacheOptions> When change RedisCacheOptions I dont see new connection area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#28368 opened Jun 15, 2020 by osmansonmez Backlog
SqlServerCache not emptying expired items area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches investigate
#28370 opened Mar 23, 2020 by DanielLidstromTicket Backlog
Handling RedisCache is not connected. area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#28372 opened Jan 28, 2020 by maxisam Backlog
Consider adding retries to Redis cache refresh area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-caching Includes: StackExchangeRedis and SqlServer distributed caches
#28373 opened Jan 23, 2020 by analogrelay Backlog
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