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Issues: dotnet/aspnetcore

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Add DecoderFallback for invalid/unrecognized characeters in HttpLogging Middleware area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#31943 opened Apr 19, 2021 by jkotalik Backlog
[release/2.1] Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI does not build correctly affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-identity Includes: Identity and providers area-infrastructure Includes: MSBuild projects/targets, build scripts, CI, Installers and shared framework bug This issue describes a behavior which is not expected - a bug. investigate severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#30503 opened Feb 26, 2021 by wtgodbe 2.1.x
[Blazor] Provide the ability to flow configuration from the host to the browser affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-boot-up feature-blazor-server feature-blazor-wasm This issue is related to and / or impacts Blazor WebAssembly Pillar: Dev Experience Priority:3 Work that is nice to have severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#30116 opened Feb 11, 2021 by javiercn Backlog
Make it optional to register HealthCheckPublisherHostedService when using AddHealthChecks affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-healthchecks Includes: Healthchecks (some bugs also in Extensions repo) enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#29896 opened Feb 4, 2021 by tobiaswatzek Backlog
Improvement to Lifecycle Events by having an overridable method called BeforeRender affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-component-model Any feature that affects the component model for Blazor (Parameters, Rendering, Lifecycle, etc) feature-rendering Features dealing with how blazor renders components severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#29798 opened Jan 31, 2021 by musictopia2 Backlog
RelativeRedirectUriValidator class is internal affected-very-few This issue impacts very few customers area-identity Includes: Identity and providers design-proposal This issue represents a design proposal for a different issue, linked in the description enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#29792 opened Jan 30, 2021 by PrizZzt Backlog
Consider using C#9 Source Generators for implementing SetParametersAsync affected-most This issue impacts most of the customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-component-model Any feature that affects the component model for Blazor (Parameters, Rendering, Lifecycle, etc) feature-rendering Features dealing with how blazor renders components Pillar: Technical Debt Priority:1 Work that is critical for the release, but we could probably ship without severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#29550 opened Jan 22, 2021 by ChristianWeyer Backlog
[Blazor Wasm Auth] Single httpclient for both authenticated and non authenticated users affected-medium This issue impacts approximately half of our customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-wasm This issue is related to and / or impacts Blazor WebAssembly feature-blazor-wasm-auth severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28951 opened Dec 31, 2020 by andersson09 Backlog
Blazor Custom Route Constraints affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-builtin-components Features related to the built in components we ship or could ship in the future feature-routing Pillar: Complete Blazor Web severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28938 opened Dec 30, 2020 by GravlLift .NET 10 Planning
Breakpoint does not get hit when using Blazor Webassembly with HttpSys affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components bug This issue describes a behavior which is not expected - a bug. feature-blazor-wasm This issue is related to and / or impacts Blazor WebAssembly severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28671 opened Dec 15, 2020 by bleissem Backlog
Firefox shows "attempting to reconnect to server" on opening application; affected-medium This issue impacts approximately half of our customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components bug This issue describes a behavior which is not expected - a bug. Pillar: Technical Debt severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28592 opened Dec 11, 2020 by Stanislav-Beresnev Backlog
Interop tests with other HTTP/3 clients affected-medium This issue impacts approximately half of our customers area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions HTTP3 severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool task
#28432 opened Dec 4, 2020 by jkotalik Backlog
Kestrel: Add proper response for invalid header values. affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-kestrel severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28248 opened Nov 30, 2020 by serdartepeyurt Backlog
Check Web APIs returning ActionResult with status code 2xx affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-mvc Includes: MVC, Actions and Controllers, Localization, CORS, most templates enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-mvc-execution-pipeline Features related to how MVC executes a controller or razor page good first issue Good for newcomers. help candidate Indicates that the issues may be a good fit for community to help with. Requires work from eng. team severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28600 opened Nov 27, 2020 by sshanzel Backlog
Consider adding a shipping package baseline test area-infrastructure Includes: MSBuild projects/targets, build scripts, CI, Installers and shared framework severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28129 opened Nov 24, 2020 by HaoK Backlog
Add FocusOutAsync method to ElementReference in Blazor .NET 5 server side affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-blazor-jsinterop This issue is related to JSInterop in Blazor severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28127 opened Nov 24, 2020 by marius-kazlauskas Backlog
Preload default Kestrel config before running Kestrel's configureOptions callback affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions bug This issue describes a behavior which is not expected - a bug. feature-kestrel help candidate Indicates that the issues may be a good fit for community to help with. Requires work from eng. team severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28120 opened Nov 24, 2020 by halter73 Backlog
IHostedService StopAsync and OnStopping/OnStopped events not called with IIS preload enabled affected-very-few This issue impacts very few customers area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions bug This issue describes a behavior which is not expected - a bug. investigate Needs: Attention 👋 This issue needs the attention of a contributor, typically because the OP has provided an update. severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28089 opened Nov 23, 2020 by lpn-ch Backlog
ApiExplorer not aware of HttpNoContentOutputFormatter affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-mvc Includes: MVC, Actions and Controllers, Localization, CORS, most templates enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-openapi severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28060 opened Nov 22, 2020 by jeremyVignelles Backlog
EntityFramework Migration for ASP.Net Core Identity creates Key without key length affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-identity Includes: Identity and providers enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#28055 opened Nov 22, 2020 by jonasarcangel Backlog
Problems with the asp core at low load affected-few This issue impacts only small number of customers area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions bug This issue describes a behavior which is not expected - a bug. investigate severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#27930 opened Nov 18, 2020 by EngRajabi Backlog
Add API for Emitting Informational Responses (1xx), for Example 103 Early Hints affected-very-few This issue impacts very few customers area-networking Includes servers, yarp, json patch, bedrock, websockets, http client factory, and http abstractions blocked The work on this issue is blocked due to some dependency enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#27851 opened Nov 14, 2020 by tpeczek Backlog
SignalR improve connection close experience affected-medium This issue impacts approximately half of our customers area-signalr Includes: SignalR clients and servers enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#27584 opened Nov 6, 2020 by BrennanConroy Backlog
Support prerendering closed generic components affected-medium This issue impacts approximately half of our customers area-blazor Includes: Blazor, Razor Components design-proposal This issue represents a design proposal for a different issue, linked in the description enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one feature-prerendering Issues related to prerendering blazor components severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#27579 opened Nov 6, 2020 by javiercn Backlog
Response buffering affected-medium This issue impacts approximately half of our customers area-middleware Includes: URL rewrite, redirect, response cache/compression, session, and other general middlewares enhancement This issue represents an ask for new feature or an enhancement to an existing one severity-minor This label is used by an internal tool
#27470 opened Nov 2, 2020 by BrennanConroy Backlog
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