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Not sure if any of this has already been submitted as an issue so apologies in advance if this is redundant. I just was looking over the keycloak docs in place and I really like it and have a few initial thoughts about the keycloak doc page seen here:
1. Image Placement on Page
I really like the diagram at the bottom of the page
Personally, I think this should be at the top of the page so that the reader knows "the what" at a high level and then "the how" or the c# is shown after. Just to make it easier to follow and understand.
2. Move the json to some external link
The size of the json isn't the issue because it is what it is with keycloak, however, I do think having the a link that the user can go to avoid making the page so long. so instead of embedding the json directly in the page like this
"id": "86683c73-be28-4380-a014-6316c0404192",
"realm": "WeatherShop",
I am suggesting having something along the lines of,
As an example, the following JSON file could be added to the app host project in a /Realms folder—to serve as a source realm configuration file:
link to json
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