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Missing information
I'm trying to get the User Secrects configuraiton source included, as explained in this comment:
load app IConfiguration from User Secrets when EnvironmentName is 'Development' using the entry assembly
but I have no idea what this means:
is 'Development' using the entry assembly
Trying this:
var builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(new HostApplicationBuilderSettings
EnvironmentName = Environments.Development,
has no effect. And setting directly the environment name, neither works:
builder.Environment.EnvironmentName = "Development";
I have no idea, and can't fin in the docuemntation, how to set the environment in a different way.
NOTE: I want to use this for a template using host, so, ideally, this should be done by copde, and not depend on some confiuration that can be changed or verwritten.
Thnak you!
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