Type of issue
Missing information
For package-provided APIs, please show whether the API is available in Long Term Support (LTS), Standard Term Support (STS), or only preview versions of the package. Or just show the lowest major version number in which the API is available.
This would be helpful for looking up APIs for use in projects that have a policy of not depending on STS versions of packages. Especially when using just a web browser on a smartphone, rather than projects in an IDE.
For example, the AddException method of System.Diagnostics.Activity is available starting from 9.0.* (STS) versions of the System.Diagnostics.ActivitySource package; it is not available in 8.0.* (LTS) versions. Currently, the topic shows “Package: System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource v10.0.0-preview.1.25080.5”, which is not that useful as a version number; I expect most developers of production applications would not want to reference such a preview version.
This issue is not specific to System.Diagnostics, though.
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