The sentence:
Provides the ability to create events for event tracing for Windows (ETW).
doesn't make sense in the abstract definition .NET Standard 2.0. The same is with Starting with .NET Framework 4.6, ...
It seems a copy/paste wording problem. The documentation should be rewritten to avoid confusion.
There is a related discussion:
Hope it helps.
Document Details
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- ID: 178352bd-0ce6-199d-1419-e2e35ead83a5
- Version Independent ID: 6bdded28-5bcb-67f1-5b1f-44e0788afb80
- Content: EventSource Class (System.Diagnostics.Tracing)
- Content Source: xml/System.Diagnostics.Tracing/EventSource.xml
- Product: dotnet-api
- GitHub Login: @mairaw
- Microsoft Alias: mairaw