Context: dotnet/android#8182
Context: dotnet/android#8707
We have now had 2 instances of enumification values in android.jar
requiring long
enums instead of int
enums. As generator
doesn't have any support for long
enums, these had to be handled manually. Additionally, if the long
enum is manually created and added to the api with:
<add-node api-since="34" path="/api">
<enum name="Android.Hardware.HardwareBufferUsage" />
it will create the correct API, but the binding code will be created as int
rather than long
[Register ("create", "(IIIII)Landroid/hardware/HardwareBuffer;", "", ApiSince = 26)]
public static unsafe Android.Hardware.HardwareBuffer Create (int width, int height, [global::Android.Runtime.GeneratedEnum] Android.Hardware.HardwareBufferFormat format, int layers, Android.Hardware.HardwareBufferUsage usage)
const string __id = "create.(IIIII)Landroid/hardware/HardwareBuffer;";
try {
JniArgumentValue* __args = stackalloc JniArgumentValue [5];
__args [0] = new JniArgumentValue (width);
__args [1] = new JniArgumentValue (height);
__args [2] = new JniArgumentValue ((int) format);
__args [3] = new JniArgumentValue (layers);
__args [4] = new JniArgumentValue ((int) usage);
var __rm = _members.StaticMethods.InvokeObjectMethod (__id, __args);
return global::Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<Android.Hardware.HardwareBuffer> (__rm.Handle, JniHandleOwnership.TransferLocalRef)!;
} finally {
This requires the method to be hand-bound to fix the binding.